
04.25.03 @ 11:16 a.m.

How can I be expected to pay attention in my Philosphy of the Arts discussion group when Pat is brooding in the far corner looking like Pete Townshend's fricking doppleganger, albiet a bit stockier? And then there's Adam, exuding a kind of New York/European cool and sophistication. Except I really don't like his shoes, and that takes his hip factor down several notches. And Alain, the GTF, being so very Canadian. "Did anyone watch the hockey game last night?" My god. Alain is okay, it just amuses me that he's almost a caricature of himself. At any rate, he seems a lot more reasonable than some of the other philosophy students I know, *ahem*.

I should sleep now. I should really really sleep. I only slept, er, four hours last night. Possibly five. I went to bed at 3 after toiling away at infohell for a very long time, and intermittantly writing a sentence or two of lousy fanfic. I'm so terrible with procrastination. And today I found out that my book annotation, which was I was required to turn in this morning, isn't valid. We can't use a collection of essays as a book. It's all good in the end, I can use it as an institional source... but I still need to find a BOOK about fucking education finance reform. *inarticulate noise of pain and frustration* I hate working on projects. And soon I shall have to interview someone and I am so not mentally prepared for that.

Tonight I journey into the wilds of Corvallis. I look forward to copying Martha's CDs (heh) and hanging out with Martha and Clinton, a very articulate young man. He aspires to start the gay mafia in Corvallis -- Cross him, he tells us, and you'll wake up with a poodle head in your bed. Paige is going to be there and that could cause minor tension, what with all the issues we had back in November around Moni's party. How we're all bastards for not wanting to participate in some things, etc. How we're too wussy to be 'real teenagers' i.e. drunken/stoned sex fiends. Not that I have any problems with sex fiends, I'm just not fond of the idea of getting wasted and waking up with a stranger. Maybe that's just me. I don't want to get myself worked up before anything even happens. For all I know the evening will be fine and all the preliminary bitching has been for nothing.

Yay! Because Italian has been cancelled, I can watch the Fresh Prince of Bel Air... yeah, I'm a dork.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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