from the hundred years war to the crimea

03.31.03 @ 1:21 p.m.

I think it's funny that I got recognized today by my backpack. "Hey," said the girl sitting next to me in Infohell, "were you in rock history last term?" I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, what with the great big target and who logo on the patch on my bag. The bad news is it isn't likely I'll get into Infohell this term. Why on earth should I be upset about not getting into a class whose colloquial name features the word 'hell'? I guess I'm worried about getting my major requirements completed on time. Anyway, I was told I'm likely to be on the bottom of the waiting list. Not sure why, just because I took 201 last fall instead of last term.

Hey, I just checked my grades from last term. Straight B's, which isn't bad, considering I was expecting a very low grade in history. Half an hour will bring me back to Astronomy. Have I ever written about the wacko head of the Astronomy department? His name is Robert Zimmerman, and no, he is definately NOT Bob Dylan. I used to have one of the Astronomy classes with a girl that idolized Dylan, and she, ah hah, didn't appreciate the comparison. Anyway, Zimmerman is a crazy old man with a dialect all his own. I have an old notebook with margins filled with elaborate drawings and notations of words he brutally mispronounced.

I've had the Clash's "The Card Cheat" stuck in my head most of the day.

I should go get ready for class. Maybe someone else will recognize me from some unexpected quarter.



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