
03.30.03 @ 10:48 p.m.

I think that maybe reading Kurt Vonnegut on the bus made me oddly sentimental. I'm reading Cat's Cradle, and so far it's quite good.

This, to pull a phrase from Liz, killed me:

"The highest possible form of treason . . . is to say that Americans aren't loved wherever they go, whatever they do."

Mind you, this is from a book published around 1963. My god, do I love science fiction of the fifties and sixties. It tried to teach, it was frequently apocalypse based, and... it was so moralistic. Why this makes me so fond of it all, I'm not sure. I wonder if that style will return with the return of war and fear of apocalypse. I know I have the beginnings of a post apocalyptic story, but I don't really work on it much. I don't know where to go with it. I keep writing backstory, and now that Celeste and... damn, is his name Michael? I call them Finder and Traveler, and now I've forgotten what their names are.

Anyway, on the bus I got into a weird state of mine, probably spurred on by reading quality writing, even if it was highly satirical. I think I get a little elitist when I read good books (as opposed to the two new romance novels I picked up at the paperback exchange, along with Cat's Cradle and Crime and Punishment), and so I spent some time staring out the window and ruminating. (Thinking, not chewing my cud like a cow.)

I wrote this:

"3/30 - Somewhere in this world there's a range of hills or mountains that's said to look like a reclining woman, a sleeping woman. I can't remember whwere it is and now I find myself looking at every distant mountain range in search of that woman."

Pretentious, no? Now I have a couple of options. I can laze around here and read, or I can go down to the basement and subject my kick ass Who baseball shirts (yep, I completed them and as I said before, they kick ass) to their first washing and drying. I don't want to wear them until I've done that. Maybe I'll go down to the basement with a book and my shirts and get a pop out of the vending machine, 'cause I'm kind of thirsty.

Danae stopped by to say hi, she was working her way through the hall. E* isn't back yet, but I really didn't expect it. I think she usually gets better fares once the week has started, and she doesn't seem to give a damn about missing the first days of classes.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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