she's the kind of a girl that makes the news of the world

01.15.03 @ 1:10 p.m.

"LONDON - Police appear to have recovered about 500 original Beatles tapes that were stolen in the 1970s, including some never-released tracks, during raids on members of a piracy racket in England and the Netherlands."

I don't believe I've spoken about how excited I am by this. New Beatles stuff. The very implications of that simple sentence fragment are unbelieveable.

" The tapes contain songs, including "Get Back," for an album the Beatles planned in 1969. The project was shelved, and some of the songs instead became part of the "Let It Be" album. The rest of the tapes disappeared. "

Phwaaar. Okay, Get Back isn't my favorite song, and I just like Let It Be... It isn't one of my top albums, you know, but bloody hell! (PS-If anyone has MP3s of She's a Woman or Rain, I would be eternally grateful if you would email them to my school address. I can't seem to find them on my CDs, i.e. they aren't there.) New Beatles recordings. My mom said she heard on NPR that you can hear George quit in the middle of a song on one tape.

" The material disappeared shortly after the 1969 Beatles sessions which attempted a more back-to-basics approach to recording after the tensions of the 1968 "White Album." "

Sweet. Back to basics... I like a lot of the White Album, but I prefer Revolver, Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, Help, and the Yellow Submarine Songtrack. I really like the middle of the Beatles ouvre (is that even the right word? Probably not. Their... well, all the recordings.) The early stuff, covers, I don't often listen to. (Though I love Paul's rendition of Til There Was You.)

" They met in the Twickenham area of London to rehearse, rather than Abbey Road, where they usually recorded. Continued problems within the band saw Harrison briefly quit during that period."

Ah, this must be what Mom was talking about.

"The recovered reels are believed to contain dozens of entire songs, as well as snippets of tracks the band attempted, then abandoned. Along with new songs, the Beatles ran through earlier tracks for old time's sake."

Dozens of entire songs. Damn! Can you believe it? I wonder what they'll do, release a new album or make Beatles Anthology 4 or what. They have to do something, I mean, come on!

""Get Back" originally was written to satirize negative attitudes toward immigration in Britain in the late 1960s. In early versions, it was referred to as the "Commonwealth Song" and "No Pakistanis." "

You learn something new every day.



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