
01.14.03 @ 8:03 p.m.

I think this has been an 'easily amused' day. I was walking behind a couple of people who randomly started talking about this guy at the Univerisity who always wears a cape. He lives in the building where I get my mail, apparently (my building doesn't have it's own lobby, we have to use other people's). Anyway, the boy in this couple said: "You know, I used to think that it'd be really cool to wear a cape... then I saw that guy." It was mean, but it was fucking hilarious. But then, you have to realize that I also found it hiliarious when my former FA (Freshman Interest Group Academic Advisor) gave me the upwards recognition nod and I gave it right back. As soon as I had passed him, I broke out into this big idiot grin because I was so amused at the absurdity of the whole thing. You jerk your head up (and supress your urge to say "Yo, 'sup?" or something equally inane...)

Anyway. I just arsed up a bus reservation and now I think I have to wait until it says "Whoops, that's not right" and rejects my reservation because I messed up writing my address. Stupid stupid. I want to use the phone to cancel my ticket, but oh no, E* has to be in the middle of one of her very long conversations. Damn. (Update: I IMed with my mom and had her call for me. It's all good.)

I had a conversation with Slavik today which was both delightful and frustrating. Frustrating because I KNEW the second he logged on that he would say something to me about Pete Townshend. And sure enough, my computer soon beeped and presented me with "ouch, looks like your hero is a pedophile". Bastard. We continued:
Me: yeah, shut up, I know
S: heeeh
S: don't worry, i'm on his side
S: i, too, look at pornography for research.


There were good moments...
Me: I never had a good GPA in high school...
S: thats gonna stick with you for the rest of your life
S: wait, no it isnt.

Anyway, it wasn't bad. It's basically nice to talk to someone who knows a bit about the Beatles... Amy doesn't talk about music much outside of Cher, Andrew never does, and Martha and I just make jokes about the Strokes and toast. ("Is it true that you smell burning toast when you're having a stroke?" "If that's what he's into, ha ha ha")

Right now we're watching one of my all time favorite movies: Hairspray. I love this movie. Heehee. Okay, so I'm going to devote my attention to the movie... and my Italian.

Fuck. I haven't done ANY reading for Anthropology... ever. Not good. And my god. My Anthro professor may look like the less attractive brother of Noah Wyle, but he is BORING beyond all reason.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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