great scott!

01.11.03 @ 12:50 a.m.

Guess what we've been watching?

Yes, E* and I spent the last four hours digesting the first two Back to the Future movies. Heehee. Michael J. Fox is so cute and short and ageless. I love Marty McFly!

I have some criticisms of number two, though. The Chicken thing was SO overdone. A good four times at the very least, and it was almost the same shot EVERY TIME! Michael J. Fox walks away... someone calls him 'chicken'. He freezes. It cuts to a shot of his face, almost invariably on the right side of the screen with the taunter over his shoulder. His face takes on this expression... I think it was supposed to be 'steely determination'.

But it was great! I love this movie and I so want the DVD set (which is what we watched). They're so classic! I remember going to see the first one in the theatres, I'm pretty sure. I remember it, I'm sure I do, but I would have been... 7. It came out in 1990 and I was born at the tail end of 1982, so yeah, seven. But I remember the train. And ZZ Top, but I didn't know who they were at the time.

In NON-BTTF news...

Today I went to class... nearly fell asleep in history for the second time in a row, which kind of disturbs me. I could not for the life of me keep my eyes open and I think it must have been obvious that I was fighting sleep. And I was sitting near the front! How embarassing. I also found out that my former neighbor Hillary is in not only in my Anthropology class, she's also in the attatched discussion group. Apparently these have a different name at other universities, here we call it discussion section and more usually, just 'section'.

Johnny Knoxville surprisingly articulate and interesting on Conan O'Brien. I'm watching a rerun, and funnily enough, it's the episode that probably sparked my David Bowie dream way back when.

After classes, I hung around here for a little bit and just kind of relaxed for a while, then I went to Fred Meyer (a department/grocery store) hoping to find a Gilderoy Lockhart Dueling Club figure to go with the Harry Potter one my dad bought me (because he doesn't know anything about Ken and hadn't seen Chamber of Secrets yet) instead of the Ken Branagh one I earnestly asked for for christmas because despite the fact that my brother and I are thirty and twenty years old respectively (whoa... my brother and I add up to my mom's age!), my dad still likes to buy us actual toys. My brother got this AT-ST from Star Wars and I got Harry Potter. A couple of years ago (eeg, more like four years ago) my dad gave me a big ol' Rancor Beast toy from Return of the Jedi that was to scale with my other Star Wars action figures.

Man. They have Star Wars Pez dispensers at the convenience store part of our dorm food service, right? I'd get totally excited, but I already have them all! I should probably get a new X-Wing pilot one because mine is damaged. (I think my evil dog chewed on the bottom of it as a pup.) Who am I kidding? I don't need that. I'm poor. I shouldn't have bought the twenty dollars worth of groceries I did buy, and the off-brand guacamole I bought is, as expected, crap.

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate fucking drunks. And I am surrounded by them. Somehow I had an exceptional year last year, there weren't halls filled with noisy drunks and fucking rice fights. Tonight everyone has been drinking and I'm pissed off at my across the hall neighbor because not only did she fling rice at me and laugh when I had to manuver past their mess to get to the bathroom, but when I decided to take the south stairs to go up a flight and come back down the north stairs to get to my room, thereby bypassing the mess, I got nailed with a ball of rice AGAIN by fucking Kristine who was lying in wait for one of her noisy, stupid companions. I got back to the room and I was really angry and, as usual when I get any sort of strong emotion, I almost started to cry. We were in the middle of the first Back To The Future movie and I insisted we keep going because I wanted the distraction to forget how fucking angry I really was. God. It was so RUDE! And then there was rice PLASTERING the walls of the hallway and I am going to be very goddamn upset if we have to foot any sort of cleaning bill, which I think we may well have to. If we do I am going to be very upset indeed, and to her face, too. I have lost any sort of respect I had for these girls and I lament the fact that I'm going to have to put up with this for another 1 & 9/11ths of a term with these people. I am just so disgusted with humanity.

Drinking and drugs are one of the few things I'm really arrogant about in that I think I'm above them, that I don't need them (I just don't see the point, really), and I just have a hard time feeling any measure of respect for someone I have seen clutching a toilet or drunkenly trying to have a conversation with me. I think it's rude of them to stagger around the hallway talking as loudly as they can and bumping up against our door all the time. Oh, and as some boys just decided to demonstrate, there's the old favorite, shouting things up at the windows from the lawn. Bravo. Bra-fucking-oh.

I hate living here this year. I wish I could magically find an apartment for the rest of the year and flee back to Portland. I'm starting to wonder if I wouldn't be happier at Portland State. Except the city scares me. I just wish I could be home with my parents.

Whoa. I wasn't expecting homesickness, so I guess I'll go bac to reading and maybe try to fall asleep amid all this imbecility.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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