
01.09.03 @ 10:14 a.m.

I get vaguely concerned for Liz's view of Americans. [On another note, I cannot do html today, apparently, because it took me forever to do that one simple link.] We're not all so whacked out.

Then again, I may not be the best person to ask about the 'typical American'... Ask my roommate and she'll tell you that I hate Americans. In some ways I do, I mean, we're one big mass of ignorance, aren't we? I was going to put something in her guestbook after she wrote about gun culture saying that I didn't know any gun owners, and then I realized that isn't true. But all the gun owners I know only have them to go deer hunting. I don't know anybody with any sort of handgun, or at least I don't think I do. I could. It's always possible.

The truth of the matter is that almost anyone who isn't in the NRA thinks Charlton Heston is the world's biggest nutball. Now I have to lose all respect for Tom Selleck, not that I had much. Oh, Magnum PI, why? We have a photo album at home that has him on the cover wearing some extremely small shorts and holding a volleyball. My siblings bought it for my mom when I was a toddler because she used to joke about liking him.

So gun culture is not necessarily that popular a thing. It's a powerful lobby that speaks loudly, but it isn't everybody. The prevelence of guns in the media probably speaks volumes about violence, like sex, appealing to the lowest common denominator. But that's not new. Go read Titus Andronicus. Go read Coriolanus. Violence is sexy and it has been since the English Renaissance at least. Think about it. The preferred gun of the hollywood badass is big, hard, shiny, and undoubtably phallic. Austin Powers mocks this when he pulls out his tiny handgun and looks all threatened and mollified by Vanessa pulling out this huge handgun.

The illegality of handguns in England complicates plots a little more. A good portion of Snatch was devoted to aquiring guns.... with hilarious consequences. (this is slight sarcasm, by the way)

I went to go get breakfast just now (it's 10:40) and while I was going to write more, rave a little about my Rock History class, I have to pee and run to Italian now.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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