dear prudence

01.07.03 @ 4:45 p.m.

My hair is all funky (not in a good way) because I took a shower last night and was too freaked out about annoying my neighbors to blowdry. Like I should be so considerate when they have frequently required 2 a.m. courtesy "please be quiet now" visits from yours truly. I'm not an uppity bitch (well, okay, I am), it's just insane how loud Jeannie and Nora used to be.

Oh, Nora moved back to San Francisco. Jeannie has moved into her old room (is it that much nicer living on campus than in the International Hall, where the rooms are bigger and better appointed? Sure, it's way the fuck off campus, but still...)

I'm experimenting in routes to the Clinical Services building, where Rock History is. I am terrified of the Pioneer graveyard, not because it's a cemetary (hell, I grew up next to a cemetary) but because it's one of those places they tell young females not to go if they don't want to get, you know, brutally raped. Ah ha ha. Actually, I got a bit of a jolt coming back from class (when the sun finally started coming up, geesh it's dark before 8... and foggy) when I looked through the huge trees in the cemetary (it's a forest with gravestones, seriously) and saw this hulking great statue of a man... with no head positively looming out of the fog at me. Well, it was far away, so it didn't loom out of the fog, but doesn't that sound nice? When I'm slightly less cowardly, I think I'll finish off Mom's roll of film in there. The fog, the trees, the mossy urns on top of great big plinths... Funny, for a pioneer cemetary, there have been people buried there as recently as, well, I think I saw 1984 but I definately saw 1961. Some people have been creeped out when I tell them there's a great big cemetary on campus. Meh. They're dead, they aren't going anywhere.

God, this could turn into a horror story at any moment. A cemetary on a college campus... if they put that in a movie, people would go around asking "What kind of college campus has a cemetary? honestly?" not that it could be anything but a B movie.

Haha, that was silly of me. I stopped mid-entry to go do other things online and almost completely forgot I was writing.

Rock was fun and I look forward to it. I was all enthused and wanted to write this morning when I got back, but a lot of that got lost in the nap I took after class, Italian, and my rather lengthy trip to the library. We watched a video on psychedellic rock (Blues in Technicolor) and I was interested, by psychedellia has never been my thing. In a few days we'll have a day on the Who and The Yardbirds, which is so cool... Heeeey, now that I have my laptop back (by the way, I got the power cord for my laptop today... It's slightly different than my old one. The one adapter cord has three prongs where the old one had two (but I kept the old one, good thing 'cause our house in Portland has mostly old two hole outlets instead of updated 3 hole ones...) and the bit my dog chewed up was silver and this one is white. That just means it matches the outside of my computer instead of the inside) I can make a new banner. Aah! Crikey! There are new files on the iMac at home that I forgot to transfer, like a goooooorgeous Mike pic (whose location I can't recall) and updated versions of my webpages, not that I've done any signifigant work. Hah.

Going through another Beatles phase. Okay, I'm just listening to the White album a lot since reading that Yoko's voice is on Bungalo Bill and Birthday (not that I like Yoko, I just never thought of it being her so I just HAD to have a listen. And now I'm listening to Glass Onion.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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