
01.06.03 @ 5:46 p.m.

Another entry already. It's like I have my own computer back! No, I'm just a loser spending her evening in what is essentially an empty computer lab. And I'm way at the other end of the room from the desk jockeys. Eeeeenteresting. Not really.

I'm dropping Film History, it only took me one day to decide that. It was monumentally boring, Charlie Chaplin is moderately amusing but "The Gay Shoeclerk" is not. Neither is my teacher. The class is just so... pretentious. "We shall analyse every frame of this scene from "The Hunt For Red October" and completely change the way you watch movies for the rest of your life!" No thank you. I'd rather get lost in Pride and Prejudice for the fifty thousandth time or take girlish glee in Bridget Jones' Diary (Colin Firth-athon... what with my copy of The Importance of Being Earnest) without analyzing the direction and set up. Blah. If I'm terribly interested, I'll rent a DVD and listen to the director's commentary.

So what am I taking instead? Oh joy, Modern World Governments. Political science can be vaguely interesting, and it probably fulfills some social sciences requirement. That's what history does.

Damn and blast. Didn't buy a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince. Ha. I buy $60 worth of books for Film, which I shall have to return tomorrow, but I don't buy books for history. Heh.

OOOH, but damn is my Rock History book COOL. How can you not love a textbook with Mick Jagger on the cover? Hee hee. And a rather longish section on the Who. There's neat stuff about the Kinks and at least a chapter devoted to the Beatles. I think it's called something like Rock and Roll History: Styles Whatever. The pictures alone kick serious boo-tay. Haha. I'm getting dorkier in my computer lab isolation. Just me and the white noise hum of a couple of hundred inactive computers. Whummmmmm........

I'm starting to be concerned for my sanity as well as my roommate, who is still not back yet. She's missed her first day of classes. That reminds me, I was going to email her, and haha, I logged out of my email already. Pffft. I've also got to email my dad and tell him he'll love my Rock textbook.

Unnnngh... Class at 8 tomorrow. I haven't decided if I'm going to wear my Darth Vader "Who's Your Daddy?" shirt or my Rolling Stones logo shirt.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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