we're on our own, cousin

01.05.03 @ 12:10 p.m.

Well, it's a slight relief to know that I can start holing up in the computer lab (I'm using a tremendously huge PowerMac G3 with a PC screen on it, which is just surreal for reasons that are probably pathetic and rather stupid.)

The big relief of today was that my 8 a.m. class is not in fact today but tomorrow. Only twice a week will I have to drag my lazy ass out of bed before 8:30. Hurrah! There's also a minor relief in that I was worrying about missing my first photography class but I picked up a Craft Center schedule and I don't start photog until January 26.

I've got a couple of hundred books to buy, which is my primary reason for even being in this computer lab. I had to look up my book list and because I'm cheap, I wrote all the books down instead of printing out the list like everyone else does. So the rest of my day shall be spent selling books and shopping. Not fun shopping, though. Book shopping. School supply shopping. Well, school supply shopping can be fun, and I'm eager to see the books for my Rock History class. (Liz, I'm copying you, muahaha. I'm taking Rock History: 1965 to Present.) I'm also taking a film history class, the first one of which is today at 2 p.m. So I've got a couple of hours for lunch and, as I said, dawdling around the computer lab. The Mac area is pretty empty, but the PC area isn't that splended either. I could have used a PC since all I'm doing is dinking around on the internet, but I'm more comfortable with Apple products. Possibly because I have never owned (and I included family computers) a PC. I just plain don't know how to use them. This could cause trouble in the future.

I was back tracking through some of Liz's new entries and she made a mention of the Rael cult. I'm going to mention again that I really want to write a story about a joke the host of Talk of the Nation made about the Rael cult being based on the Who's "Rael".

Ooh, and when my laptop is up and running again, I have a great idea for changing the image up there. Instead of the shadowy figures from the Monkees' Daily Nightly video (yes, there is method to my madness) I'm thinking of putting Pete Townshend from the Maximum R&B poster. I just think that would look completely cool and reflect my mild Who obsession. Tee hee.

The stereo still isn't working, and I have no idea why. Just before I left school, it was kind of acting up. My mom thinks I need to get a CD player cleaner and that will fix everything. I have my doubts. I was a little worried when I put my Ultimate Who CD in because it took it a few seconds to read the disc. My other idea, if it is just compatability with the CDs, is to try making a copy of Who Sell Out and Tommy on my laptop and seeing if my stereo will play the copies. Because I've just got to listen to 'Christmas,' 'Cousin Kevin,' and 'Jaguar' at high volume. And 'Glow Girl'.

Man. The Who have turned me into an even stranger girl than I already was. I mean, my favorite songs are now about transvestitism (I'm A Boy), masturbation (Pictures of Lily), child molestation (Fiddle About), bullying (Cousin Kevin), and buying a posh car (Jaguar). Not to mention 'My Wife' which is about drunkenness and suspected infidelity, but then, that's not too strange for pop music. Heh heh. And I think I'm beginning to understand the story behind Tommy... I felt all revelationy on the car ride down to Eugene last night.

In other news, E* has yet to arrive at school. Maybe she'll be there when I get back to the dorms, I have been gone for an hour and a half or so. I also hurt my knee and I don't know how.

Hmm... If I felt like I had time (what with getting lunch and book shopping and all), I'd try to plot my route to Rock History tomorrow. It is my evil 8 a.m. class. I think maybe having it so early is a blatant attempt to thin the ranks of slackers and stoners.

Ohhh, I want to write about the last Starbucks night we had on Friday, but I'm hungry and I have so much to do this afternoon. School supplies at the very least, and book selling if I can swing it.




fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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