roger daltrey sings 'rael' on the oregon trail

01.02.03 @ 9:59 p.m.

Hmm, I guess I haven't written in a couple of days.

The big news in my life is that after listening to Talk of the Nation online at my mother's suggestion yesterday, I have a good idea for a short story. The host made a crack about the Rael cult being based of the 1967/1968 Who song Rael. I shan't elaborate too much further, but I have an idea I'm enthusiastic about. This is really exciting to me because I've never really written much until recently, and nothing of great length until NaNoWriMo. It's a bit of a thrill to have an idea hit and then to start filling it out. Last night I was up too late writing down ideas. It might go a little SFish as I'm thinking population depletion and perhaps loss of some technology needs to factor in. I'm ecstatic. Plus I'm going to allow myself to start revising Riverwood Park before too long. There are serious flaws that need to be rectified, especially in the beginning, and I really cut it off at the end, forcing out an epilogue to finish my word count. The epilogue to Riverwood could go on for a few more chapters... if I bothered to separate things into chapters. But I don't, usually.

The other exciting thing about this story, which I'm calling Rael for now -- I know I can't continue to call it that and I'm not planning to use the song 'Rael' in it (which is what the title is referring to) and hey, I don't want the Rael cult or Pete Townshend to sue me -- is that it's not a regency romance like Riverwood. It's almost SF. It will be if I continue with my population depletion ideas. Near future, I guess is when it would take place.

My dad bought himself a CCR three CD set today at Costco, but I haven't listened to it yet. I don't think he would have bought it if I hadn't expressed a vague interest in the band. At the moment, though, I'm not really that interested anymore, and he can have his greatest hits set. I've seen a Monkees CD like that once that I didn't recognize and I think it's probably pirated or illegal. Maybe not. But I rather thought Rhino was holding a monopoly on Monkees stuff.

In a bizarre fit of nostalgia, I've spent the last two days playing "Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiago?" and "The Oregon Trail II." Is it just Oregonians who spend their entire childhood playing OT? It's an integral part of my childhood. I've played the original Apple IIe version where hunting was just about the hardest thing in the world (unless you just liked to spin around firing bullets in a circle) because you were a stick figure wandering the forest. The cool thing that I miss from that version is that when people died on the trail, it was saved in the game and you passed tombstones with the names of other players (usually your classmates). Then there was Oregon Trail for LCs. That had cartoon hunting and like the old one, progress was just animated oxen and a cart plodding in place at the bottom of your screen. Right now I have a Hillsboro School District copy of Oregon Trail II, which is awesome. Fakey quicktime animation of animals for hunting, the ability to trade, take different trails to different destinations... It's neat. I think tonight I might take the Mormon trail with a whole passal of youngans. Haha. The first game I played tonight (which quit on me before I thought to save it) had three people get cholera and two of them died from it. Tre frustrating.

Oh, damn damn damn. I've just realized that I forgot the Frontline episode about the Shakespeare authorship debate that I meant to start taping, oh, 59 minutes ago. *sigh* With any luck it'll have one of those late night reruns.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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