fears and cameras

12.19.02 @ 12:16 p.m.

Gods, I'm tired. I tried to go to bed at a decent hour last night after an IM conversation with Slavik (he is coming on Saturday) but the goddamn wind kept me awake until probably four. Or later. I don't know. I don't have a light up clock here at home.

The thing about the wind is that it makes one particular tree brush against the screen in my window all night long, plus there are mysterious creaking noises and the result is me cowering in my bed all night convinced that I'm about to die when a tree falls on the house and crushes me in my bed.

Amy made some comment about that on Monday, how I'm always the only one who answers the question "Storms- Cool or Scary?" as 'scary' when surveys are sent around and that's because I'm afraid of death by tree. So storms are really only scary here at home, where my house is wooden, old, and surrounded by tall trees on almost all sides. Storms are plenty cool in Eugene where I live in a cement building and have no reason to fear wind or trees.

I had a weird almost-dream this morning, that it was the end of the year and I would be going back to Eugene soon but didn't have a place to live, that I had forgotten to get an apartment for next year and I was nearly panicking. I don't look forward to that. Finding an apartment, that is. I wish I could go on living here forever. It's kind of childish, I know. I don't want responsibility.

Okay, this is making me hate myself.

Whoa, weird hearing Raymond Burr say "Did he make love to you? Was he in love with you?" I guess I just have a hard time imagining any sort of mention of sex on a TV show from the late fifties.

I'm such an uptight little stick in the mud, aren't I? Oh well. I need to eat and shower so we can go get our christmas tree today. Today's just about the only day it can be done.

Oh, yeah, and before I forget, I have a camera now! And the best part is that it's the camera I'm most familiar with: a Cannon AE-1. Not just any Cannon AE-1, oh no, it's actually my mom's old Cannon. She bought a new camera for herself. It's a Cannon AE-1 programmable, which means... well, I have no idea what it means and I don't think she does either. She's hoping it's easier to use so Dad'll use it sometimes and stop pining after a digital camera. One of the coolest parts of it is that Mom told me not to pay her for the camera (if I bought a new one, I would have been the one paying for it) and that her camera (my camera *grin*) should be considered a bequest. I loooooove this camera. I'm so happy.



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fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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