attack of the killer goats!

12.08.02 @ 3:58 p.m.

Well, the good news is that I (will) have a real motivation to get back into the photography groove. I just signed up for one of the Student Union's Craft Center courses, which actually cost me a chunk of money but it's ten weeks of free darkroom use an some film and paper provided. I'm really happy. Now I'll have photog every Sunday night at 5. (That's for all you stalkers out there, now you'll know where I am.)

The only bad thing about this is it kind of messes with my ability to go home of a weekend. I didn't think about that until after I had signed up and paid. Oh well, it just means I need to be back here by five. It's not such a terrible price to pay, really. Oh, whoops--I think I left the schedule of classes in the Craft Center. I didn't mean to leave litter for that nice attendant girl to clean up. Plus I need to remember when the class is, and what day the first one starts. Hmmm.

Still, I'm really psyched about it.

This is my first entry written with Netscape 7, which has some neat things and some horrifically irritating things. Pro: the composer part of the program is much much better than Netscape 6. Con: I can't make it stop this horrible font smoothing, which really irritates the bajeezus out of me. Pro: My old Netscape did this funky thing with the curser in text boxes that was a pain in the arse. This one does not. Pro: There are cute little icon things next to the URL when I go to certain sites. So far my favorite is the little bravenet shield. I was going to trash this one and get my old one back, but I'll go through a trial period first, I guess.

I don't know exactly what happened, but at some point yesterday morning my Netscape quit on me and every time I tried to open it up, my laptop would grind and grind and nothing would happen. Eventually I figured out that I needed to trash all it's little component files (after saving a copy of my bookmarks), which I could have done without reinstalling Netscape. I could have saved the old version without overwriting it, but noooo, I just put New Netscape in Old Netscape's place. Poop. Poop and a half. Wow, that's some of the lamest swearing I've ever written. I believe I said something like "Where the fuck are my keys?" this morning and E* said "You should stop saying that word." My response: "I'd like to see you try and stop me." I was joking, but then, so was she. I think she's noticed my use of 'fuck' has escalated in recent months. Blame Saunders!

Man, I had this weird dream that I was in a class with a Saunders-ish (but American) teacher named Parker. I blame Slavik's suggestion in an AIM conversation for the fact that in my dream he said "Ellen, stay after class" and everyone snickered or went "oooOOOooh!" Like something naughty was going down. But no, he just wanted to be my faculty advisor and spent the entire dream criticizing me and making me feel bad for the classes I've taken. ("History 102? Why are you taking that? That isn't going to do you any good.") I didn't think about it until I was in the shower this afternoon wondering why I was feeling bad about my schedule. "It was just a dream," I had to keep telling myself.

On a completely random note, I ate fish today for the first time in something like three and a half years if you don't count the anchovies that are a part of Caesar salad dressing. I had a Tuna Lunch On the Go, even though I only ate a tiny bit. I don't know why, but I never eat very much. I mean, I eat hardly anything most of the time but I still weigh like 165 pounds. I am unquestionably overweight. I guess I have to blame bad habits, but still... how can I subsist on so little food? I get really hungry, but once I start eating I can almost never finish. I feel sick or full and just... stop. It's probably some horrible disorder. These double delight mint oreos should not be staring at me in this accusing manner. I only ate a couple. I'm thinking of going back to grab and go in search of something salty and snacky, like crackers and cheese. Hmmm, that might be really good. Once I had some really excellent Tillamook beef sausage and triscuits, oh lordy that was good. (Tillamook is a very cow heavy town on the Oregon coast. It is best known for it's fine cow products, i.e. cheese, ice cream, and spicy beef sticks. Yum.)

I am completely not a vegetarian. Years of life around cows have made me totally unsympathetic to them, the evil bastards. I find out now that the breed of cow my grandparents and my dad preferred were, in fact, well known evil bastards of the cow world. No wonder they were always getting out and scaring the crap out of me. However, for pure uneasiness, nothing beats our goddamn goat. I was sure I was going to be gored to death by it one day when it had gotten loose. I was walking down the driveway after school (my bus dropped me off a good quarter to half mile away from my actual house, the price for living in one of the loveliest places in the Willamette Valley) and I noticed the goat wandering around where we park our cars, the big empty space where the driveway ends. I froze. I knew the goat was an evil bastard... or bastardess, as it was a lady goat. She started rearing up in her hind legs in a meanacing fashion. She has these long, wicked horns, very sharp because we're too nice to get them sawed off when she was a little goatlet. We've had this goat for nearly ten years now. Anyway, the incident ended with me shouting for my dad to get it, because there was no way I was getting past it to the house without getting butted or worse. I didn't think of cutting through the barn, which I could have done, because it's really ick in there and all the dogs raise holy hell. Daddy came and rescued me.

I have created this helpful if not well drawn diagram: (hey, it's hard to draw with a laptop trackpad!)

There now. Wasn't that helpful? It helped me kill a good half hour that should have been spent studying, but hey, I'll live. (ha ha, likely story)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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