baby baby don't care no more

12.04.02 @ 7:53 p.m.

May I just say that I get some weirdass hits? Not weird enough for oddgoogle, apparently, but a lot of them mystify me. Well, that's not true. I can see the point of a lot of them. I do not see why people click me after getting a hit off Colin Firth or Valmont. I don't have any information or pictures. (Haha, now I'm going to get hits of "Colin Firth Pictures" I betcha.)

The stress, the joy, the hilarity, it's all over. Shakespeare is quite officially ended, and I hate being under the fucking drinking age even if I don't drink. And being too high and mighty prissy to think about trying to break the rules. I'm almost incapable of rule breaking. Fucking parents, why'd they have to go and raise me right? Ha ha, I'm so stupid right now. I'd blame lack of sleep after being up past four last night, but I actually slept in and... well, I was going to say I'm lucid, but I'm starting to doubt that. It's probably all the caffine and very little food.

Today I love Nora because she gave me the cover of her Entertainment Weekly as it has Branagh as Gilderoy Lockhart on it. Tee Hee. And Daniel Radcliffe, too, he's so cool.

Speaking of cool, I decided that I found all alt-y not quite emo boys of a particular performance group in Shakespeare today rather handsome. One of them is the guy I talked to about Chuck Palahniuk when we walked back to Res-land after Fight Club. I gotta go down to the lounge now. Damn.

45 Minutes later: Gee, that was really, really pointless. Apprrently we're all so stupid that we have to have the mass memo READ to us. Danae The RA seemed much frustrated by the general noisiness and high spirits of the hall. I do not consider her Nazi RA anymore. She's a bit strict, but nice. And she likes to talk to us about Colin Firth and loaned us her copy of The Importance of Being Earnest.

I feel really irresponsible tonight. There's a strong temptation to watcha movie. Hmmm, but WHAT movie? I have A Hard Day's Night and Harry Potter on DVD, but then I have dozens of movies on video as well. My computer screen is bigger than my teeny TV's screen, and now that I've remembered to bring the external speakers back to Eugene with me it's all good. Yeah me! I wish I could go see HP and the Chamber of Secrets again. But no, I must wait until winter break to drag the parental units along. We could have gone last Saturday and I would have been very happy, but instead we had to go see Standing In The Shadow of Motown with 'Wannie (my sister Joanne). I didn't like it while I was there, but that's because I was being stubborn and didn't want to go out at ALL, let alone to some documentary. I had writing to do! Not that it mattered that much, I still finished my NaNovel.

The wall o' pictures needs some reorganization, I think. A big space was filled by Nora's Entertainment Weekly cover (yay Nora!) and I still have most of my Regency pictures up. (I put up a whole bunch of 1800's illustrations and paintings as images for my Nanovel's characters.)

Speaking of my NaNovel thingy, Riverwood Park, a cheesy romance that isn't all that romantic, I have a meeting of fellow NaNoWriMo participants on Friday and I don't know what to do about bringing in the finished product. Should I go to the computer lab and pay to print out the whole thing? The temptation is there, because it means I'll have a hard copy to play with, edit, or just look at. A permanent reminder of what the first incarnation was. Then I can go edit it a la Stephen King (I *heart* On Writing) after letting it sit and mature without me going near it for a while. That way I can see it (and all it's plot holes and imperfections) from a fresh perspective, kind of.

So here I am, completely boring and getting kind of hungry. I'm thinking something monstrously unhealthy, like french fries. Or better yet, spicy fries. I hope against hope that Hammy's still has some, they never seem to have them in the evenings.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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