generalized frustration and some weirdness

11.24.02 @ 7:32 p.m.

I've had kind of an odd day. I did the stupid thing and did laundry on a Sunday, which means I spent a signifigant amount of time in the basement.

First there was no-clothes guy. He kept coming into the basement in only his boxer shorts. It was not as bad as it could have been. It was more amusing than anything else, possibly because while he had no pants, he did have a hat. So he was coming and going. I sat in a plastic chair and tried to read Stephen King's On Writing. I did pretty well, until Tolkien-reading guy, who I had made some small talk with, came up to me and showed me a damp baggie he'd pulled out of one of the washers. "What do you think this is?" he asked with a grin. "Ummmmm," I said, as it was clearly damp, laundered pot. He shrugged and shoved it into a pile of someone else's laundry. I kid you not. I left for a while and when I came back there was another guy there and underwear guy was sitting in the middle of the laundry room (still no clothes) cleaning a french horn or similar instrument. So there's that.

Beth (neighbor-down-the-hall) seems to be stuck on her 'drunk' setting. She came in today and asked if we had a blender or knew anyone else who did. We did not.

(Might I interject and say Cary Elwes is AWESOME? I love The Princess Bride, but at the moment I'm watching the very end of Robin Hood, Men in Tights because there's nothing else good on.)

So as far as my story is going, I'm about 10,000 words behind. I've got 31,000 and a bit right now. And it doesn't want to cooperate with me. I'm this close to interjecting a DREAM SEQUENCE ferchrissake, which is bad, very bad. I'm just really stuck, but I can't do anything but make it so CHEESY that it's depressing.

I'm also still obsessing a bit about a certain young man in Corvallis. It's been a couple of days since I talked to him, but it had been weeks between the last two times. I want to try to talk to him again, but I'm cowardly. It also feels like I talked to him more recently because I keep thinking about him. Damn Jodi, she didn't so much give me hopes that won't be fulfilled as she opened the door for a lot of unnecessary fantasizing. So that kind of leaves me in an awkward place and I think I've once again talked myself into liking someone. I seriously think I convinced myself more than anything else.

The other bad news on the story front, though it's not so much bad news now is that I came up with a character, Duncan Stuart (who just happens to share a name with Ewan McGregor's character on that ER episode) (and who just happens to be Scottish, woo), and he wants to charm the pants right off my main character. Damn him! He's so Ewanariffic, he wants to steal poor Emma's heart. But I think things are all right now. I think my characters went on strike yesterday until I allowed a scene without Emma in it. Arrgh. I'm so far behind and I'm trying to write right now. But it's not going well.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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