we love margaret cho

11.23.02 @ 12:28 p.m.

Ahh, a couple days no entry, right? I got into my Rock History class which will be cool except that it's early in the morning but whatever. And I have to drag my lazy ass all the way over to the music building. Ungh.

So, last night rocked the casbaugh. I went to see Margaret Cho, who is just so damn funny. It was great. She kept making random jokes about sex shows in Thailand. These guys stand outside the sex shows there and tell you what the show is about ("Pussy eat banana!") and so every now and then, between jokes or topics or whatever, she'd shout things like "Pussy come with rear window defrost!" It was hilarious. She's great. I love her. She was wearing this cute skirt with a big lacy black bustle. Ha. Anyway, I want to read her book now. Maybe rent Notorious C.H.O. or I'm The One That I Want. I remember wanting to go see that.

I went to this with a big group of girls from my hall, which was really neat, except Nora kept "WOOWOO!"ing really loud right next to me. And repeating the jokes. But I think that Jeannie couldn't hear so that's okay. Alaina sat next to me on the other side. She's really nice and always knows my name though I wasn't totally sure of hers until last night *blush*. We walked home en masse because the next bus was a thirty minute wait and we decided that it would be quicker to walk back to campus. The major group split up when we got to Reily, the International residence hall which is actually off campus a few blocks. We went up to Jeannie's room and hung out a little while Jeannie got her wallet and things. The rooms at Reily are nice and big, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Jeannie's there because she's so big into Japanese culture. (The more Americans I know who are highly into certain aspects of Japanese culture, the more I hate it and regret taking Japanese. No reflection on the culture itself, just the unpleasantness of being around fanatical Americans. The moer I'm around anime fans the more self conscious I am about talking about the Monkees because I don't want to annoy people like they annoy me. The high irony is one of the annoying anime people I know is Moni and I'm not going to call her on it even if she made me feel like shit about the guys at the end of high school. I'm nice like that, which is to say too nice for my own good.) Anyway.

We also all went to Common Grounds which is a cafe where I am entirely sick of the only foods I like, but it was the only place open so I got lemonade and grilled cheese. We were going to go our separate ways last night, Nora and Jeannie and me (everyone else had already split off, though we spent some of the time at Common Grounds with Kristine-across-the-hall) but instead we had Ewan-McGregor-palooza. Heh heh. That is to say we watched (again, for me and E*) the Ewan episode of ER and then A Life Less Ordinary, which I just love. Gaah, Ewan is gorgeous and I love him and he can sing "Beyond the Sea" to me any day. I think the only thing I don't really like him in is Emma but that's because his HAIR is so bad. (Hair in a guy is a big issue to me.)

I don't know why, maybe because I was working so much with Coriolanus (I broke two records with that essay: Speed For Producing a Four Page Essay and Relative Crap Per Page) but I was just very mentally boy-crazy yesterday. I was in a near constant state of "on" through the whole morning which sucks if you're trying to write and essay and keep just degenerating into a mindless staring-out-the-window state because you've just queued up a particularly good fantasy with your mind's eye. Grrr.

And in other news I think just about everyone who didn't go to Margaret Cho with us last night ended up drunk. One girl was being uber-friendly in that weird, drunken way and I wished she would just go back to her room and shut the door. Another girl I've never met was puking in the bathroom while I was trying to brush my teeth. There was also a guy in the bathroom when I went in, which was weird to me. Last year was so nice and calm. I think it's an exception to the rule. This year isn't bad either, and Slavik paints such a charming picture of constant party across the street at Hamilton complex.

Call it low self esteem, call it modesty, or call it my enneagram type (5, by my own judgement, NOT 9 like my dad says), but I'm always pleasantly surprised when people remember me or single me out to talk to. One of dad's books says something about how fives feel invisible and are always surprised when they're noticed. Yep, that's me. Not actively invisible, just more "Huh? Me? You're talking to me? Okay, then." Yeah. I know where I'm going with this but I don't really feel like continuing on that path.

I need to get some lunch and then I'm going to try to write several thousand words over in the EMU.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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