confidence girl

11.21.02 @ 4:35 p.m.

GO ME! Woo! I talked on AIM to Slavik. Jeez, I'm a dork. He even told me so. But in a good, funny way. I IMed him to ask if he thought it was worth going to a class at 8 in the morning if it was Rock History, 1965-Present. At first he thought I meant rocks and then he realized I meant music. Ha. I am, in fact, still sort of talking to him.

Liz and Blindsten make me feel all warm and fuzzy after they wrote entries about my last entry, which is funny because I thought it was just about the most boring thing in the world. Shows what I know! Ha ha.

I love this picture:

So, yeah. The Branagh obsessive strikes again! Muaha!

I'm having good IM conversations today, as I talked to Jo and I'm currently talking to the effervescent Rachel Rene and, as I said before, Slavik, though he's left now. This is so bad, 'cause I'm not getting anything done. I have a Shakespeare paper due tomorrow and in ten minutes I can register for class. (It's 4:50 now.) I'm so nervous. Don't know what I'm going to take.

Crikey. It's time to register.

EDIT:5:15 P.M:

I am so dumb. So very stupid. I misread the stupid chart thing in the catalogue and I don't register until tomorrow. Then I realised I misunderstood the little warning notice the register page gave me which said register tomorrow at 8. I thought PM when it meant AM and started to panic because I'm going to see Margaret Cho tomorrow evening. Ha ha, now I just have to panic over my impending Shakespeare paper and my inability to get any work done on my NaNoWriMo piece. I'm going to be seven thousand words behind if I don't catch up a bit today. Aaaagh! I'm spending this entire weekend in the EMU writing my brains out. Plus I need to start working on my 12 page Shakespeare final paper because I chickened out on working with a performance group. 10-12 pages, I can handle that, especially if I just do a close reading. I pulled off a seven page close reading in one day once, though I won't be attempting the one day paper this time.

Funnily enough, E* discovered that she wrote a better paper doing it all the night before instead of how she usually does it. Turns out she copy-pastes things from her notes and that's about it. So sitting down to do it all in one night gave her some actual flow instead of a big disjointed mess. Ha. My solution to that (do as I say, not as I do time) was that she should write up notes and plans and all, but she should rewrite it all when she puts it into the actual paper instead of copy pasting it. My last Shakespeare paper (a B effort) was written that way. I had a separate document full of my notes and brainstorms. It wasn't a great paper, though. Oh, and I have Italian homework, too.

Heh heh, Slavik said he might take Italian next year.

I am so weird.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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