i saw harry potter

11.19.02 @ 8:08 p.m.

Again I wish for that mental cockpit voice recorder. Or even a regular tape recorder. Crazy stuff goes on around me.

I saw Harry Potter (finally!) and *girlish squeal* Ken! Brilliant. Just... brilliant. Heehee. I'm so happy. I'm going to buy that movie and watch it a hundred million times. Muahaha. The Ken Branagh obsession is adequately stoked. I would so be one of those screaming girls he throws his cloak to during the dueling scene... inadequate wizard or not. Wheee, I'm such a dork. And yet, I am a very happy dork :)

So, weird stuff. There's a store at Valley River Center that sells NOTHING BUT CALENDARS. It's not a little stand, no, it's bigger than the damn Cinnabon (which I happily patronized)! I don't see the pressing need. I really don't. I glanced in Excalibar to see if the NaNoWriMo guy from there was... there. He wasn't.

Then there was this guy on the bus on the way back from the movie. And it wasn't just on the bus. It was while I sat for an ungodly length of time on a cold metal bench. He spoke in this horrible drone that you get from guys who are too stupid to be frat boys. Oh my lord, so this guy was talking about how he had a notarized blueprint for a hoverboard fercryinoutloud. Then when I was waiting for yet another bus at Eugene Station, he was telling these guys that the hoverboards in Back to the Future (was that BTTF 2? I need to watch those movies again.) weren't even real. Who thinks that they real? Seriously?

Oh, so the movie again... I nearly had another of my freakish "I want to cry for no discernable reason" moments during the previews. What the hell is the problem with me? Almost every time I go to a theater, I feel like I want to cry once the previews start rolling!

Oh, good god. I cannot handle my beloved Colin Firth being in such a ridiculous movie as "What A Girl Wants." It's good to see that he's rising in popularity and such, but oh my god, there was a clip of him dancing in front of this mirror and no, no, no, I couldn't bear it. It was great in The Importance of Being Earnest when he shouted 'MOTHER!' and flung himself at Mrs... oh, what's her name? Pring or something.

But now that I've finally seen Harry Potter I can read Liz's diary entry about it and Rachel wanted me to email her once I'd seen it and tell her what I thought (which was that it was FANFUCKINGTASTIC, ooh, it was so good and I loved it and... woo. It was fun. I hope to see it again on the big screen before too long. Maybe next weekend or something. I'm going to drag my parents off during Thanksgiving weekend. Muahaha.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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