
11.08.02 @ 1:49 p.m.

Sweet mother of god. European dark chocolate. I had one square and that's it. I'm good on my chocolate quota for the day. It's good, very good, but maybe a little stronger than I can take. Oofa. Maybe I can hunt down some regular chocolate to adulterate it with. Seriously. Man. Too much.

I just went through what I mentally referred to as a 'wild orgy of cleaning' in the dorm room. Still looks like a mess, but it's slightly more organized. And the recycling is just empty bottles now. I got rid of the avalanche of paper that was resting on top. I am such a pig, it's not even funny. I'd scan the Polariod I took of my bedroom at home at the peak of it's messiness, but people would arrest my parents for letting me be so messy. It's sad, really. My parents just gave up on me at some point. Same with church and my mom. I'm really good at holding out until the other guy gives in.

I'm trying to buy me a copy of Civilization 3 for Mac on eBay, but I just got outbid. I'm going to become the person I hate and try to outbid the other guy at the last minute. Muahaha. Seriously, though, I saw a guy playing Risk on his laptop before History a couple of days ago and ever since I've been lusting for a copy of a turn-based strategy game. For the life of me, I cannot find my old copy of Civ 2, so I figure I might as well try to hunt down the new version for my laptop rather than dink around with the Classic Layer and all that other garbage that goes with using older programs on OS X. I'm trying to use it as a reward for NaNoWriMo. If I win, I get to play Civ 3 at the end of the month. Even if I win the auction, I am not touching it until I finish my NaNoWriMo novel.

Speaking of, I have to buckle down and force myself to write something like 9,000 words this weekend, starting after I finish this entry. I need to do laundry, too. One of the reasons I was late to class today was not just that I overslept ten minutes and spent too much time in the shower. I also couldn't find something clean to wear that I thought looked semi-respectable. I mean it. I hate all the sweaters I bought last year because I now realize they are not flattering. Too short. Bleah. Not me. So I need to shop a bit at some point. Maybe after Christmas. Maybe before so I can get some ga-roovy stuff for my birthday (Dec. 21) or Christmas.

I know I'm as boring as fuck when I talk about the weather, but I've realized that the residence area of campus contains the most watery peril. Moving from class to class is no problem if you can manuver through the sea of umbrellas without stabbing someone's eye out or getting gouged yourself. Easy. The path from the academic section to the residence section is fraught with water hazards. I think I had to slog through three or four deep puddles that encompassed the entire sidewalk. The choices are get wet or do an embarassingly ridiculous little skippity dance and just splash the hell out of yourself in the process. There is no dignified way to move in Oregon weather.

Wow, here is an accomplishment--I've actually made myself sick of Jimi Hendrix. Constant listening over the past few days has made me just switch to the Kinks.

Kinks songs I love: (in no particular order)
-Everybody's Gonna Be Happy
-A Well Respected Man
-Dedicated Follower of Fashion-
Who'll Be The Next In Line
-Sunny Afternoon

Oooh, you know who deserves a listen? The Grass Roots. I saw them in concert oh, three summers ago. I'm still soured on Tommy James after his disappointing showing last September. The Hollies win my undying love with Stop, Stop, Stop, Dear Eloise and On a Carousel. So I've got the Kinks and the Grass Roots in my 3-CD stereo. Who gets the third spot? For the sake of randomness (and because I got the song "Heave Ho" stuck in my head in the shower today) I will put in Smashmouth's Fush Yu Mang. I listened to Astrolounge over and over again years ago and I've listened to my burned copy of Fush Yu Mang on and off, but their most recent album has not inspired me except that I love that they covered I'm a Believer. The version of I'm a Believer on the Shrek soundtrack is crazy, but an interesting take on it. I personally like Eddie Murphy's version from that movie.

I have a very limited colletion of 'modern' bands. Almost every CD I own is Beatles, Monkees, or other sixties bands. Then there's all the seventies stuff from Michael Nesmith, his '92 album, and the Monkees' '96 album. The little section of my CD rack devoted to current music (I have my CDs arranged by band when I have enough of an artist's CDs and time period otherwise) contains:
-The Royal Tennenbaums Soundtrack
-Rushmore Soundtrack
-Monty Python Sings (which shouldn't count because it's mainly recorded in the seventies.)
-i am sam Soundtrack (never seen the movie, just intrigued by a CD full of Beatles covers.)
-Barenaked Ladies: Stunt
-Chumbawamba: Tubthumper (Tubthumping is the only song I really like on here, I bought it after WYSIWYG, which I love.)
-Chumbawamba: WYSIWYG (impulse purchase(!))
Fastball: All the Pain Money Can Buy (I wanted a copy of the song The Way after hearing an NPR story on it.)
-Jimmy Fallon: The Bathroom Wall (I had a gift certificate and a minor crush on Jimmy. It's alright, not spectacular.)
-Smashmouth: Fush Yu Mang
-Smashmouth: Astrolounge
-Smashmouth: Smashmouth
-Shrek Soundtrack
-The Simpsons: Songs in the Key of Springfield (I want the new one... Simpsonic or something.)
-Here On Out: The Shafer EP (Okay, this one doesn't count much because it's the band that the elusive (now gone and lamented, probably back to California) Nezjr (who I guess I need to add to my cast page, I talk about him enough) belonged to, and I managed to get my hand on the self-made CD they distributed through Shafer and McAlister. I don't much listen to it anymore.)

Blah, I need to go pay my tuition bill before they kick my sorry ass off this campus, but I really don't want to try and go back out there. Well, I need to get it out of the way and maybe I can check my mail (not that I think anything will be there) and just get all that out of the way so that I can just WRITE today because I really need to. I wrote a little in Journalism today, an action that spoke of total disrespect because we had a guest speaker, a Russian Ph.D student and it wouldn't have killed me to listen to him, but I just didn't want to, so I wrote. The lovely thing about writing is that it kind of looks like you're taking notes. I'm thinking of starting to take my laptop to class because our GTF (the UO equivalent of a TA, I think. Graduate Teaching Fellow) is pressuring us to print out the lecture notes every day and I am just not willing to sacrifice paper like that, so maybe if I copy the notes off the net to a word processor (assuming I don't fuck up the formatting) I can take notes on my laptop, take that to discussion and just say I'm trying to save a forest, damnit. Ha, it's a good thing I don't have a Civ game on here. I'd probably sit in the back row and play with the sound off all period. That would get me in serious trouble. Probably because I'd get caught, I'm certain. But I could work on my NaNo story before lecture starts (I'm making an effor to actually pay attention in class, thwarted by my reading part of the end of Pride and Prejudice during lecture today. Heh heh, whoops. So I didn't really learn about Roman sewers. Cloaca Maxima. I knew some of this stuff anyway. Now all I have to do is figure out how to save the lecture notes to my computer properly formatted and in such a way that I can take notes... hey, I can just take notes in a separate window. Sweet. Problem solved, I'll just save the pages as HTML source.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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