can i write a book? we'll see....

10.24.02 @ 5:20 p.m.

First off, I am a very very naughty girl. I have not done any studying yet, and it's been something like three hours. My excuses? Well, they aren't good. IMing with Slavik. Debating whether or not to try to work Doland Park out to a full fledged novel (I need to do way more planning on plot, what I've got is maybe two or three pages of synopsis) for NaNoWriMo... I can't believe I'm agreeing to participate in this. Oh well, if I succeed, I can pretend to be a real writer. If I fail... well, I got some enforced writing time. Now I just really need to come up with different names and more plot devices. Ooh, this is exciting. Nora first tipped me off to it, and once I looked more closely, my friend Leah is particpating, too! Still, I think I've gotten myself into a fine mess, here. I'm so excited, though! The most I've written on a finished story (ha, finished... could go through fifty more edits) is about 12 pages. I'm practically starting all over again with Doland Park... I need to just work out a whole new outline... Mainly all I'm keeping is concept. I'm kind of counting on the "Don't worry, it can be crap!" angle. Oooh, okay, I'm really truly going to study now. I mean it this time.

Edit: after midnight....

I don't feel like creating a whole new entry, but I just want to add that I suddenly feel like creating a game, AIM tag. Log on, IM someone, type "TAG!" and log off real fast. Then they have to tag someone else before they log off... Okay, it's stupid, but it just occurred to me. Also, everyone is better at art than me. Probably because I rarely take the time to exercise my meger talents. I should go out and draw things more often. Not in November, though! Gotta write write write come next Thursday... more'n a thousand words a day! Haha, like that'll ever happen. But I'll sure give it a try, so long as it doesn't make me fail my classes.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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