haircuts and clothes

10.20.02 @ 10:18 p.m.

Um, what is there to say? I don't feel like gushing about Macca, so I guess I'll talk about what else I did this weekend in a pathetic attempt to avoid typing up my Media Monitoring project which will just leave me fucked over in the end. Damn. I hate being such a procrastinator, but then I do nothing to change.

The wonderfullness that was this weekend is as follows:

-Macca's concert. Outstanding.

-Clothes shopping with Mom. I got jeans to replace the ones that developed a hole, two cardigan sweaters--a red/burgandy one to replace the one that's unravelling and a fuzzy black duster. Comfy. Two courdaroy shirts. Quite pretty. And a jean jacket on clearance at Target. I had no light jackets and I sorely needed one.

-Ice cream with Mom. It's nice to spend time together.

-Bragging about the concert to Gino the record store clerk, despite not buying any albums or buttons.

-Going out to dinner at Skyline with Mom and Dad. The best burgers in the entire world and a nice atmosphere. Dad was deliberately annoying but I was sort of forebearing.

-Side trip to Wherehouse. Utterly amazing. Managed to get my hands on used copies of The Prison, The Garden, and Radio Engine to Photon Wing, all Nesmith albums. Spent only a little more that $20.

-Short browsing trip to Barnes and Noble. Looked at a book on Archeology and my dad showed me a $50 coffe table book on The Who.

-A little time in chat with the Monkeelanders

-Watching taped eps of Scrubs and ER with the Parentals. Nice bonding time.

-SNL with John McCain and reading at the Derbyshire Writers Guild. Relaxed fun.

-Fabulous haircut. I'm so happy with it. I look a bit like Rachel now, ha ha. It was not on purpose. I'm not a stalker, at least not stalking Rachel. Now, if Mike were still young and hot, we'd have a different matter on our hands (ha ha.)

-Bus station difficulties worked out in the end, with me squeezing on the bus I originally wanted to go on, but not the bus I had tickets for. Uneventful ride with nice enough seatmate.

So there's the extent of good weekendness. Now I'm trying to get my homework done. I really, really want to be at DWG reading Unlikely Friendship, which I reluctantly gave up last night at 3ish. I wish more people noticed my dramatic hair cut without me saying 'look, I got a haircut.' I think it's really cute. I cannot for the life of me guess where E* went. She disappeared when I went to the bathroom. Like 20 minutes ago.

I'm listening to Driving Rain. I really want Macca's live album, the one that comes out next month. I really want to not have to do my homework. I really want to sleep. I really want to read fic. I really want to have fic to send to Rachel.

I want the relaxed bliss that characterized this weekend and my vacations at home all the time.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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