she's the chicken and the egg and whichever came first

10.15.02 @ 5:01 p.m.

My my, I'm prolific today. This is my second entry *hint hint go read the last one because I know no one has* of the day, but I need to use my thinking out loud time here. I'm supposed to be (and am, really) working on a glossing assignment for Shakespeare. It's a bit harder than I anticipated. Well, it is and it isn't. I'm gold on the word 'martyr' and I'm thrilled to find out that by using the network connection in my dorm room, I'm automatically logged on the the University's account for the Oxford English Dictionary Online. SWEET. I was sure I was going to have to go to the library. Guess it's a good thing I stopped to check first. (I'm also listening to my Monkees albums in backwards chronological order, which is really not helping as I stop to belt out Listen to the Band and Never Tell a Woman Yes, etc.) Anyway. If I can get this glossing assignment done, I have the reward of Quadrophenia literally staring me in the face. It's propped up against the wall on my desk as inspiration. "If you finish, you can watch me!" Phil Daniels seems to whisper from the DVD box in all his Mod glory. I *heart* Mods.

Here's a prime example of how listening to CDs is not helping me work. I just drifted off to sing along with Don't Wait for Me and stare dreamily at a pic of Nez. I'm so pathetic in my adoration for nearly all aspects of Nez. Such talent, both as a guitarist and a writer, lovely voice, and gorgeous to boot. I really admire him for his talent and achievements, not just because I think he's one of the sexiest men I've ever seen. :) It's funny that I'm so into the Monkees today (music-wise) because I've actually let it lapse for quite a while. I haven't really listened to the Monkees for a long time. I've been into other bands (specifically The Who and the Strokes and the Royal Tennenbaums soundtrack) and so the Monkees have kind of fallen by the wayside. Today is a big Monkees music resurgance for me. I'm also eager to divest myself of the CD Amy got me so I can get the one I really want. With any luck, Chris will want it. I really long to hear Tantamount to Treason and Smoke Smoke Smoke. Radio Engine to Photon Wing is also on my list of demands. I may well hold off on buying any CDs until Christmas, if I can manage that. (Not likely, but then it's been a while, probably since Christmas last year, since I've bought anything from Videoranch.)

Bloody paper. Okay, the reason I logged on here is to think out loud, which I've done before when faced with an assignment. Rambling is lovely. This stupid glossing thing wouldn't be so hard if I actually got down to business and did it, I suppose. I mean, I just have to blather on about how Shakespeare's choice of words is better than the little footnote translation, that theres interconnection and flow with the speech around it and subtle meanings are lost when one simply replaces the editor's definition of the word. Ahhh, I really want to take a nap all of a sudden, but I don't have the time, it's not reasonable.

Oooh, Shorty Blackwell. No work shall be done for the next five minutes. My first d-land diary, which I ported over to this username, was named Shorty Blackwell. It was too long to be my username, but I had it as the title. Daily Nightly suits better. Shorty Blackwell is about as far into psychedellia as I can bear to go. I don't like a lot of the music Jess likes and would like me to like, I think. I'm not as anti-pop as she is. I mean, how can you like the Monkees and be completely anti-pop? I like the pop stuff of the sixties. I don't like things that are too far out there. Revolution 9 is not genius, it's pretention.. I've never liked it and I rather doubt that I ever will.

See? See what I mean? Here I am, trying to work on my stupid Shakespeare assignment and all I can do is blather on about the Monkees! I should really turn the radio off, but I can't bear to do it. It's too enjoyable. Maybe when time is more pressing.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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