media monitoring, banner ads, and moni moni

10.10.02 @ 11:37 a.m.

It's early for me to be thinking about lunch, but I'm thinking I should really eat something early enough that I won't feel horrible when I go to yoga this afternoon. Why is it that I often talk about when I should be eating or having just eaten or being hungry in the start of entries? I guess it's in the front of my mind, which seems odd to me now that I've realized it, but maybe not since rather a lot of the time I'm writing on my lunch break between classes. Yes, that explains it well enough.

For Media and Society this week I have to keep track of my use of mass media. This does not reflect well on me, since I keep the TV on a lot as noise, just noise while I'm doing email or something. I don't even have to be watching it, I just don't like complete silence a lot of the time. I'm trying not to alter my behavior so I look better, but it's hard to explain obsessy things like spending two hours at the Monkeeland message boards or something. I can just imagine if I were still playing the ol' Discworld MUD. I don't really want to go back there because so much has changed that I just end up so lost. At my peak, though, I played it for hours at a time. I was pretty good, really. I mean, I wasn't a legendary player, nor do I expect people to particularly remember me except the guy I got booted for sexual harassment, but I did fairly well.

On another note... hurrah for Andrew and banner ads. I've had this diary for, ah, not quite six months. I ported a bunch of things over from another name at the beginning so finding my first entry won't tell me when I got this particular diary. Anyway, I figured I better start using some of my banner ads, so I made up a banner a couple of days ago and it's already burned through the 5000 viewing test run I set up.

I had another thing for out of context today, but I forgot to write it down once I got to class. Someone was talking about OJD, standing at his usual post on 13th and University reading the Daily Emerald. Very laid back, just letting his 'Trust Jesus' signs do all the work for him. I can respect that he just goes with the flow, doesn't try to push himself on people any more than having his signs up. So anyway, as I was trying to skirt around the Street Faire and it's crowds, I heard someone say something like '...he's a persistant old bible hippie...' which I thought was funny. People are just fascinating. I'm going to try to borrow E*'s digital camera tomorrow and take some pictures of the Streete Faire when I go with Moni and Amy. Amy's coming down from Corvallis to come see, well, originally just me but she invited Moni along and I guess I'm fine with that. Moni and I are getting along without the unnervingly long instant messanger conversations that characterized the beginning of the school year.

Moni and I were not, you see, the best of friends at the end of high school. There was a whole big thing and I was intolerant of all her weird posing and what was probably some kind of identity crisis. I didn't like her picking at my identity, so I fought back. That was probably stupid and I know I'm prone to arguments. There was a big confrontation (that I actually avoided for the most part) between our whole social group just after graduation and now things are... back to normal, I suppose. We were good friends for about half a year before, and I get along well enough with her now, I just don't want to hang out with her all the time, dig?

So Moni and I will try to get along tomorrow, but it won't be helped by Amy's paranoia that we'll start fighting again the instant we're together. Everytime Moni and I have a damn conversation around Amy, she starts saying "Don't start fighting!" and we have to say "We're not!" and it's all immensely stupid.

I've run out of things to say for now. Arrivaderci.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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