eve was framed *again*

10.09.02 @ 3:28 p.m.

I've taken to shredding documents by hand lately. Mainly checks, but also my tuition bill. That is not the point.

I come today with ACTUAL THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT! I can imagine your shock. Truly. I acutally wanted to write at lunchtime, but I only had an hour to eat and then I had to scramble back across campus to a very inconveniently located class.

This was even more difficult than usual (usual, ha! This is only the second time the class has met!) because the ASUO Street Faire is going on again.

The campus has become a hippie paradise. I am not joking. The air is heavy with Nag Champa. Patchwork clothes and peasant blouses war with cheaply made imported clothing from India and the east. Paisley pillow case covers with little mirrors sewn in. Candles with cannabis leaves laquered on. The place swarms not only with students, but the ubiquitous old hippies of Eugene. It's quite a sight. I think tomorrow I'm going to see if I can borrow E*'s digital camera and take some photos. I was dying to take a picture of a boy giving another boy a ride on his handle bars. And when I say 'boy' I mean seventeen year-olds. The people working the booths lean toward the scruffy aging hippy type, then there's the neo-hippie (my term for people who are only interested in the drug angle of the original hippie movement) running the t-shirt booth, which, while carrying cool things like a John Lennon shirt and a M*A*S*H shirt (I bought one of each, I will admit) the primary business is pro-drug shirts and stickers. I live in Eugene. While I do not.... am not interested in drugs, I don't really have a problem with other people doing so. I just wish they didn't co-opt the sixties to do so, I guess. It's hard to separate activist culture from pot culture, though they don't have to be one and the same. Still, in all my seeming disapproval, it amused me to see the grizzled old men manning the 'Re-Legalize Cannabis' booth down by the coffee shop in the EMU. Then there's the deranged Santa Claus of a man who drags around his little red cart and asks you if you've heard of his joke book. I've never had the courage to talk to him, just like I've never really talked to Original Jesus Dude, who was also standing at his usual corner of 13th and University, though I frequently see students go up and address him. At any rate, my point is that Eugene is an interesting place--and things like the Street Faire bring out all sorts.

The world situation makes me think. We're all terrible cowards, we are. We daren't oppose Bush even if the world is becoming progressively scarier since his election. I'm not saying that he's responsible for New York, but I can't say I think that things are going at all well. It all seems so absolutely stupid. I can't even begin to articulate my feelings, really. It's all a confusing jumble. I want... I want to be part of something, a protest, I don't know what. The big riot in Portland last August? My dad was there. He left before the pepper spray came out, but he was there. In some small ways, I was there, too. I almost missed my plane because of it, I watched black clad youths (people around my age, perhaps a little younger, perhaps a little older) with bandannas across their faces and carrying signs walk toward the river while police on bikes eyed them. Sometimes the world is an amazing place to live in.

And I think I'm glad that I live in the west. I don't know why, exactly--I can't put it in words. I'm glad I chose to go to college at a notoriously liberal school. Maybe I'm not happy about UOregon's reputation right now--the riots from nearly two weeks ago do not reflect well on us, and my dorms this year are filled with people who all 'go down to the river and drink 'til the sun comes up.' It's not that I disapprove of alcohol, I just don't see the point of getting trashed every night. Maybe one day I'll change my mind, but right now, I'd just as soon live my life as I am. I don't think it's a good girl mentality--I don't think it's wrong, I just don't see the point. I hate the idea that I sound like some moralizing prude. I'm not. I have no problem with almost anything people do so long as others are not hurt. I just don't want to be subjected to stupidity, I guess.

Ah, whatever. I have other things to do with my life. (Damnit, I've just realized that I totally missed Jeannie, and I was really planning on watching that today. Oh well. All the better for me.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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