mood swings?

10.05.02 @ 7:24 p.m.

Oh, what to write, what to write. I am so uninspired. My parents trala-ed off to a Bob Dylan concert after treating me to dinner and a lecture about turning important financial papers in on time and not making them pay $1300 at a time to the university. Bloody hell, as if I didn't already feel bad. YES, I should have dealt with it earlier, but I can't bloody well go back and change time now. Okay, I'm making myself sound more pissed than I am and that in turn is actually making me more pissed than I intend to be. So I shall stop thinking about it...... now.

What of the rest of the day? Slept in. Read Bridget Jones. Typed up an entry about the weird almost fanfic Pride and Prejudice dream I had today. Got lunch. Watched the first episode of the BBC/A&E production of Pride & Prejudice (E*'s suggestion, not mine. As if I weren't already on Colin Firth overload just reading P&P fanfic incessantly.) Watched half a Monkee episode. (Everywhere a Sheik Sheik, for those who are desperate to know.) Oh, and earlier in the day I spend a heap of time at the Monkeeland message board. I am Nezgirl9847 there. The reason I started to watch Sheik Sheik is because there was a question about which videos were filmed in the Rainbow Room, which is totally a Monkees thing. Aw, hell, here's a picture:

That is the infamous Rainbow Room, in all it's glory. Well, not really, there are often quite good overhead or at least high up shots of the room, but this is the best I can find on my harddrive. So there.

I'm fairly happy that my Mom brought a logic puzzles book. Those are neat. Okay, I'm feeling so loserly right now. Saturday night is very nearly worse than Friday night for lurking in a dorm room. At least nearly everyone cool is at Dylan, there is that excuse. Good lord, Moni is the only other person on IM. It's only seven. I can't think of any TV I'd want to watch until 9:30 when the freaky British sitcom My Hero is on. Tempted to go get the DVD of Quadrophenia from the area desk. Highly tempted now.

Okay, now I am RIGHTLY PISSED at my dad. I begged my big headphones back. Oh, he brought them, but he forgot THE FUCKING EXTENSION AND THE FUCKING ADAPTORS! I can't fucking use them in anything, all my headphone jacks are standard size! DAMN DAMN DAMN! Why couldn't he have thought of that? I am absolutely positive that I gave him the full package... both adapters and the extension cable that are necessary for the headphones to be convenient in this room. Now they're just a whole big pile of uselessness. Grrrowl. Bastard.

Sometimes I think I swear too much in writing, because I don't swear much in my actual speech. I'm a bit high class in my speech, I use big words and am often inadvertently British. Comes from reading mainly Jane Austen, Shakespeare, and Terry Pratchett.

Okay, I'm bored with this now. The only thing I want to mention is that my mom kicks ass because she bought me those fancy cookies that come in the big tin and the soundtrack to The Royal Tennenbaums.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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