jane austen overdose (that sounds like a good name for a band!)

10.05.02 @ 11:06 a.m.

What do you suppose it says about you when your dreams become time-displacement fanfiction? This morning I had a dream that there was an earthquake, though a very smooth and sedate one in an elaborate library. I think it was supposed to be a high school library. The principal, Mr. Darcy (of Pride & Prejudice) was in the library and spent a lot of time narrowly avoiding his death by falling books. There was also a mousey librarian, but I can't remember anything important about her. Darcy went outside where he met up with Elizabeth Bennet (also of P&P) out on the track. There was a cement path, but the students weren't allowed to go on it yet, but Elizabeth and Darcy went walking on it. That's all I really remember, though I think there was more. When I woke up the first time nearly three hours ago, I should have written it down. But I didn't, so that's the end of that. I guess I just spent too much time clicking around the Derbyshire Writers Guild last night.

Oh my. A horrible little thought passed through my head... I was thinking of re-enacting P&P on The Sims. It's bad enough I created the horrific criss-crossing love tangles of Mansfield Park on another computer. That did not go well. I can barely remember the plot to Mansfield Park or Northanger Abbey. I didn't like them so much. Pride and Prejudice I know inside and out, Emma I can recall fairly well, as well as Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion, which I read fairly recently. Persuasion is quite good, though it took me several false starts to actually read it. It's quite nearly the most romantic of Jane Austen's books. And you know how I am with romance...

Okay, you probably don't. I'm a terrible hopeless romantic. That's why I indulge in fanfic, both reading and writing. I can get as overwrought as I please without the least bit of guilt. For one thing, my most emotionally distraught tale is something I have vowed never to let anyone see. For one thing, it's the first fic I ever wrote (and occasionally still write bits to) and it's bloody well awful. But otherwise it's too personal.

Well, this is, I'm sure, a boring entry. Tough. I'm not in this to win fans. I like catharisis. I don't have a dramatic life. It's excessively boring, actually. Like last night--last night was the friday at the end of the first week of school. There was much rejoicing, partying, etc. I stayed in my room, read, and watched stand up comedians on Comedy Central. But I don't *like* partying. It's not shyness there, it's... pride? arrogance? I feel like I'm too good to get wasted or whatever. That's not fun, not to me. Okay, I need to go before I start getting weepily self relflective.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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