off to the beach

09.10.02 @ 11:22 p.m.

Tomorrow at noon I am off to the beach. Do I sound like a cold blooded bitch if I say screw the weeping and wailing over Sept. 11? I don't see the need to relive it all over again in full color on all the major networks. I might as well have a last hurrah with all my friends before we head off for another year at our respective schools. I'm too cynical for all the sappy TV coverage. Orange Alert. We Shall Never Forget. Maybe if I were at all connected to the events, I'd feel differently.

I got Liquid Nitrogened again today. This time the skin around the wart on my left hand ballooned up into a big blister. Last time it was on my right. Either way, it's a bloody nuisance. But I want to get rid of the stupid things. The one on my thumb has been there for seven years at least. It's so sensitive to heat. Well, there's an excuse not to do the dishes. Gaah. Dr. Shipley misses a lot. And sonofabitch, does it hurt when you get liquid nitrogen on your finger near the nail.

On to another subject, please. I'm reading a lot of old school science fiction lately. I'm reading Stranger in a Strange Land *still.* I'm halfway through. I think I should probably finish it before I read this Ursula LeGuin novel, but then, the LeGuin novel (The Lathe of Heaven, soon to be an A&E movie but I read that the novel is much better and based in my home city of Portland) is due back in three weeks. I have SIASL indefinately. Ah, I love the Paperback Exchange. It's a great concept for libraries. You get all the trashy paperbacks (romance, thrillers) and some of the classic literature, mark them, and you can check them out simply by marking how many you took and then when your sick of them you can return them... or not. And all the books come from donations. Well, I'm off early tonight so I'm up and ready when Martha comes tomorrow. Ta.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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