junior high confidential

07.19.02 @ 6:33 p.m.

The Beatles' "Something" is urging me to sing along at the very top of my voice. But now is not the time, especially since I'm listening with headphones. It's been far too long since I've really listened to Abbey Road.

This used to be one of my all time favorite albums as a kid. I remember playing Maxwell's Silver Hammer on a pizza place juke box once.

I feel kind of bad because I'm totally ignoring all my online 'responsibilities'... Well, it's more that I've stopped caring about my message boards and my site... No, that's not right either. I care, obviously, since I feel guilty about ignoring them all now, I just don't have the patience to play catch-up. I'm not so into the internet this summer. Still unemployed, just occupying myself otherwise.

Last night was the fucking coolest. Hung out with Martha 'til two in the morning. We watched Wet Hot American Summer with Moni, then Moni took off and Martha and I watched Army of Darkness. And we talked on and on, and we both vociferously agreed with Rachel Dratch's statement on Conan about how the Snuggle Bear has undergone some kind of freakish personality change. I love talking to Martha. I ended up telling her a lot of stuff about how I used to be one of this guy Scott's posse in junior high. Damn, I had it pretty bad for that boy. Eh. He was fun. It was cool enough being his friend, and when I think about it now, he seemed to trust me a lot. He told me some of his 'secrets'. I was more in collusion with his 8th grade buddy Dallas. Dallas rocked. He knew I had a thing for Scott and tried to slyly set things up for me. What a sweet guy. I wonder what ever happened to him. If I had any idea what Scott's email is anymore, I'd ask him if he's heard from Dallas at all in the intervening years. But I probably wouldn't phrase it that way. Scott may have rocked, but he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb. Then again, he speaks Japanese way better than I ever did. He probably tried harder, though.

I gave up Japanese long ago, and now I'm going to take Italian. I'm fairly excited about that.

That reminds me that I want to get back in touch with Slav-dawg, and I have no idea how to make a tactful opening, since we haven't kept real close contact with each other. I haven't talked to him (emailed etc.) since George died. (George Harrison. Slav and I mainly talk about the Beatles.) Martha suggests the ol' "Is this still your email addy?" approach. I may use it. I want to know where he's going next year and so forth. Slav was cool, even if I ended up mad at him at the end of the year for reasons I don't care to remember, and I really have to go for dinner before people start shouting at me. Ta!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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