hippo in the house

06.17.02 @ 5:51 p.m.

So I just wasted a ton of time editing a certain unusual name out of a bunch of entries. How pathetic. I'm a loooser, I'm a looo-ooo-ooo-ser, and I'm not what I appear to be *ba-dum-boom* Okay. Enough John Lennon impersonation.

I'm trying to get a job at Barnes & Noble. I think that'd be a pretty good place to work. I also picked up an application at Fred Meyer. Eugh. Don' wanna work. Work bad. Money good, yeah, but I don't want to work. Well, actually, I think it would be rather fun to work at B&N, even if it does make me a cog in the corporate machine, crushing the small business man. Screw 'im, that's what I say. Ha ha ha. I kid.

I had to go to the dentist today and that sucked. Especially since my mom dragged me there for a 10 a.m. appointment, and then found out that it was actually a 1 o'clock appointment. Arrrgh. But we bought some donuts and some microwave dinners. Not too much of a loss. My wisdom teeth are coming in, too.

Wanna see a picture of me, oh, possibly as much as 8 years ago? Tee hee.

That's me, my dad, and some random dog. I really have no clue what dog that is. There are pictures up from the fun match yesterday, too. I think I can be seen in one of them, a blonde in a black t-shirt and jeans in the background of one shot. My dad is pictured in several of them with cute little Billy in several shots and Saturday in the big picture at the top. Awwwwww, PUPPIES!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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