pinball wizard

06.14.02 @ 5:57 p.m.

Well, now! Home again, home again. It's kind of nice, if it weren't for:

A) Mom nagging me to get a job constantly, as if I can telepathically apply for a job between her getting home and dinner

B) the fact that I have a horrible headache

C) which is because I slept until 1 pm, so I lost a good part of my day

D) I can't get my fucking laptop to connect to the internet.

I'm actually enjoying reorganizing my room. I need to get Mom's crap out of the upstairs so I can put all my dorm room crap up here (instead of downstairs, where people kick it and say "Take this stuff upstairs already!" I stripped down the big Mike-posters. I don't need them, and they make me self conscious when my dad comes upstairs to sit in my room and listen to the Who on my stereo. My parent's CD player is flipping out, so mine is now the best stereo in the house. Dad actually still probably has the best stereo in his studio space, but no one's really allowed up there.

Oh, yeah, and I LOVE THE WHO. I decided that they (and the Kinks) were two bands I wanted to investigate further, so Dad and I stopped at Borders and bought a couple of CDs. Actually, we stopped at Borders to buy the current issue of Mojo, which has a kick-ass article on HEAD, my favorite rock movie. Go and read it. I don't care if Mojo is expensive 'cause it's a UK import. I order you to go read the article on the anti-rock rock movie. I love it. But anyway, I've been listening to "The Who: The Ultimate Collection" which is a two CD set. I've listened to "I'm a Boy" and "Boris the Spider" about twenty times today. I think "I'm a Boy" is a fantastic song. I haven't listened to the Kinks so much yet, but I know a lot of the songs anyway. Like "Well Respected Gentleman" etc. I haven't listened to the second CD of the Who yet either. I'm still absorbing the first one. And I'm trying to get most of my posters down... I think I'm going to rotate my bed so it can be more couchy (provided I leave my stereo and little TV in the place they are now. I think I'll also have a bit of floor room, which'd be nice. But first I need to do some serious cleaning. I'm so into it, which is so odd because normally you couldn't get me to clean my room if you poked me repeatedly with a sharp stick. Secretly, I have the urge to remodel. Too much Trading Spaces before I was done with cable for the year. That, and I fucking hate the color pink, which is what I painted my room in... the fourth or the sixth grade. I can't remember. Pink. What the fuck was I thinking? I haven't really liked pink since I stopped wearing dresses. (2nd grade) I'm thinking a cloudy blue (gray blue?) or green color. Mom'll be all on my case about dark colors making a room look small, but I like dark colored walls. My room will be too dark, she'll say. OH FUCK. The carpet. The fucking yellow carpet. I just realized anything I'd like would completely and utterly clash with the carpet. Hell, anything at all would clash with the carpet--It's puke green-yellow shag. I'd just rip it up, but underneath is nasty, nasty linolium. Yeah. Linolium in a second floor bedroom. It's horrifyingly ugly. This requires more thought.

Sometimes I think I should start a band... if I were a better musician. I would love that to death. We'd cover sixties songs... We'd play Monkees, Beatles, Turtles, Tommy James and the Shondells, and now I'm picturing myself playing bass while some guy (there has to be a guy vocalist... I'm not a good singer and all the songs I like are from a guy point of view) sings "I'm a Boy" and we just.. rock out. I love that idea. It's a nice little dream, but I kinda doubt it'd ever come true.



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