a short blast of negativity

06.06.02 @ 1:20 p.m.

Today has a lot of negativity. Look:

-I wish that I could justify kicking someone off a diaryring just because I don't like the way he talks about people in his diary. But that has nothing to do with the Stones, so fuck it.

-I hate Abercrombie. In my experience, most people who wear Abercrombie are bastards, preppy bastards. But feel free to try and be the exception to that rule.

-I hate people who call people they don't like "gay." All the gay people I know are pretty damn cool.

-I'm really angry at PETA. I'm all for treating animals nicely for all that I'm not a vegetarian, but I have serious problems with the way that PETA goes about it's business. Paint on fur coats just makes someone go buy a new fur coat. Loosing dogs at dog shows is irresponsible and dangerous to the animal. And I just think it's... I can't think of the word. But I'm horrified that they try to 'scare' people into vegetarianism with posters of severed cow heads. And maybe the dog show stuff is propoganda, I don't care, I don't want to hear from PETA. I just think they're highly irresponsible.

-I was having a very good day until the PETA people preaching in the EMU auditorium made me so angry I went back to my room and cried. I'm going to start again if I don't start talking about something else.

I need to do something to cheer myself back up, I think. I don't want this to be a lousy day. I need to study for the LSDT (Language Skills Diagnostics Test) and write a paper on, oh, probably Richard II for Comparative Lit. Six fucking pages. *sigh* And my head hurts and I... I don't know. I want to go home now, forget finals, just go HOME. I don't want to deal with the real world. I'd rather live in my insulated little world on the farm and just ignore everything else. My DA application got rejected, so I'm going to have to figure out another job for next year. I have to get my stuff packed up and I should probably do some laundry so I can start putting wintery clothes in my laundry bag to take home. I also have to get some lunch. And I kinda want to watch the Monkees or Monty Python, but I don't know which episodes. I dunno, lotta ennui today. Damn PETA.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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