jesus freaks

06.04.02 @ 12:40 p.m.

Fuck the rules of diarywriting... I write for my own sake. If other people read it, that's cool. I'm too damn lazy to keep a paper diary, really, but typing is easy for me and I spend so much time on the internet anyway. I do have a paper diary, a cheap composition book that mainly served to record what was going through my head on September 11. I wonder if that'll become a holiday of some sort...? Oh, and I also had some reactions to George Harrison's death. Sometimes I worry I'm not being interesting here, but eh. It doesn't really matter.

Now I want to say that there are too many fucking loonies in the world. Lately campus has been colonized by another freaking Jesus dude. The first guy, well, he made me angry at first, but now I don't mind him so much. He just stands there with his little sign but otherwise leaves well enough alone. He doesn't accost people, he doesn't go up to people and pester them. He stands there with his sign and I have no problem with that, I guess. This new guy, he wanders around shouting things at people. Original Jesus Dude seems possibly amused by Shouting Jesus Dude. SJD alarms me. But I guess we have a lower occurrance of Jesus wackos here than at Portland State. Martha tells me there are crazy people all the time at her school, shouting and arguing. I remember once a guy stood outside our high school with a sign that said something like "Trust Jesus or Go To Hell" and I did not feel sorry for him when the buses passed him and all he got for his trouble was a number of threats and obscenities shouted at him. What on earth makes these people think that signs and shouting will change ANYONE's religious belief? It's absurd. Utterly absurd. I hope that SJD gives up pretty soon, but school is over in a week and a half anyway.

Once OJD gave me the best picture that never was... I like to think of myself as a photographer. I love taking pictures, or at least I would if I had a decent camera anymore, but I don't. Anyway, one day I was walking to class and OJD was standing next to his signs and everything, and I swear he was standing with his hand outstreached, holding a lollipop. It was like he was offering it to someone off to one side. If I had a camera then, I would have taken a picture of it and called it "Strangers with Candy" and it would have been wonderful. But it was not to be. I tell you what, though, OJD gets hipper with each passing term. He's gone from looking like a scruffy homeless guy to looking like a scruffy middle aged snowboarder. As the year has progressed, he's also added a fake rose and a fake owl to his signs. He has this little tripod that one sign stands on and the rose is clipped to the top of the tripod. The owl is set up so that it looks like it's perching on the sign. It's all very odd. And he's there pretty much every day. I have to wonder how these guys live with no apparent career. I think that OJD is actually a student, albeit not of the average UO student age. SJD is a recent addition to campus, and he looks like the scruffy crazy religious fanatics you see on TV shows. I'm thinking of an episode of Law and Order which had a guy who kidnapped several people and killed them as a protest against urban commercialization etc.

I guess I'm just apathetic. There are also people who have lately been posting a lot of flyers saying "Boycott McDonalds" with pictures of dead cows or something. I haven't stopped to look closely because it's disgusting. There are the people who put up the pictures of Bush photoshopped in front of the flaming trade towers with all the stuff about prior knowledge and just fanatical activism. I can't get into that. I'm too mainstream democratic. I'm not the conspiracy theory type.

That's enough of that. I'm hungry and I'm going to go see if there's anything decent to eat at Grab and Go. And I'm listening to Mike's rendition of If I Ever Get to Saginaw Again, which is almost romantic, as opposed to the Davy version, which is just creepy. I'm going crazy for Mike all over again, which is kind of nice, but... I think I'm starting to get bored with Monkeeness. Ironic, since I'm just starting to gain notoriety with some of the really serious people and the big names of the internet Monkees community. I just don't have the drive to work on my site lately. It'll probably be easier once summer comes. I'll probably work on my site then, provided I can get the internet on this silly thing to work from home. *sigh*



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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