rob roy fingerhead

05.31.02 @ 7:27 p.m.

Someone made my day today--Thank you Aaron for complementing my Monkees site and making me freak out over someone else knowing who Rob Roy Fingerhead was. :)

To highlight my loserliness, it's a Friday night and like some grumpy old woman, I'm mad at the concert outside for being too loud for me to hear my Jimmy Stewart movie. (Admittedly, it's Vertigo.)

I want to see more Hitchcock. My mom has a box set of some of his older movies, and we didn't watch that many of them. You know what Hitchcock movie I loved? Rope. That was pretty damn cool. I hope I always remember sitting in the warm, closed-in darkness of my neighbors' house, lying on their couch with the windows open, watching AMC on their big screen TV. I was housesitting at the time, something that netted me so many benefits--I was able to tape Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story and a number of episodes (which I later gave to Martha), the Monkees Behind The Music, and, well, I just got to dink around an empty house, lie in their nicely clipped and flat yard (our yard is lumpy and constantly in need of mowing. It's not a fun place to lie around. Not to mention the whole sewer line issue, which is gross in the extreme. Damn lazy parents, can't finish a project to save their lives.)(I think I need to eliminate or cut down my use of the phrase "to save their lives.") Anyway, it was fun, and I used the money to buy the Monkees box set.

Oh, and I'm all proud of myself for being part of the Monkeeland board, because a lot of them are Monkeesites all stars, like Bron of Hail the Pants and the girl who runs Dolenz Tribute. Yay me. I want to study abroad in England and be all pal-y with some british Monkee fans. Wouldn't that ROCK? Though I am (to my shame) a bit airplane paranoid like everyone else.

Now I'm going to go all hypochondriac and look up what these white things in my tonsils mean. And before anyone gets uptight, I've had them for most of my life and they mostly just annoy the hell out of me.



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