jobs, beachy things, and vague eyeball pain

05.30.02 @ 5:03 p.m.

This is possibly the funniest thing I've seen all day:

Aaaagh, when I sit for hours and read through a year or so's worth of entries from Andrew's diary, my ears need to pop and I feel like my eyeballs have been boiled. To be fair, this happened when I read the whole Quoted archives, too. Maybe I should stop doing this, hmmm?

Okay, so it's a lovely day outside and I really don't have anything to do except perhaps study for the eeeeevil grammer test tomorrow, which is actually a MASSIVE SPELLING TEST, or perhaps do my stupid spelling homework for Grammer... So yeah, there are things I technically *should* be doing, but the hell with them. I wouldn't be doing them until later anyway. I'm considering playing some Discworld MUD, but I'm afraid that then my eyeballs truly would fall out. And would that not be tragic?

So I shelled out for gold membership right when I started dailynightly, and I have the bazillion free banner views. However, I'd kinda like this diary not to suck before I start, you know, advertising.

I'm also supposed to get a job this summer. I may have to give in and apply at Regal Cinemas. Eugh. But they're always saying "NOW HIRING!!!! COME ON DOWN AND FUCKING APPLY ALREADY!" Growl growl. I really don't want a job, I want to stay irresponsible for as long as humanly possible. I can't drive yet and now I don't have a car to learn on, so there's that little piece of adulthood I have yet to attain. Shite, I'm getting all bitchy-moany-angsty here and I think there's enough of that sloshing through Dland already, eh? I hate to think of myself doing typical teenage things, but I do them rarely enough.

To stave off death by boredom from reading this site, I will try to tell a story I don't know why I'm remembering now:

Once upon a time, a whole bigass group of people went to the beach for Amy's birthday. This was April, oh, a year ago. Being the irrepressible geek that I am, I hung around following Slavik, who I had a minor crush on at the time, and Martha, who is just the funniest person ever. For it being Amy's birthday, I pretty much ignored her. But she had all her other friends to deal with. And now, because I can't remember who all went, I have to go get my photo album. (If I were smart, I'd just copy paste this bit out of my infamous Moni Story (which, of course, noone reading this would probably know. Needless to say, I have a complicated history with Moni. I will not go into it right now) but I left all my work for Creative Writing on the iMac and forgot to transfer it over with my other stuff.) Anyway, there were lots of people there. Slaivk and Martha and Amy, of course... Moni, Aaron, Allayne, Judith the German exchange student, Mike Crass, Alissa, and some others. And Amy's dad... which makes me wonder why it wasn't more awkward that Amy's cake featured a chocolate penis. I really do not see the charm of a penis cake. Ha ha ha, Amy. That was really... funny. So anyway, everyone else was frolicking around the freezing beach (Short Sands) except freak-o Aaron, who was trying to knock chunks out of the cliff, and Martha, Slavik, and I sat on a log under an overhang. I don't know how it happened but in the course of the conversation, we managed to scare each other into thinking that each of our personal experiences were pretty much The Truman Show. "I swear, I'd tell you if it was." "But how do I know you're not just saying that to make me stop suspecting you?" and so on for quite some time. I rather miss Slavik. I wonder how he's doing at Glencoe. Eh, oh well. That wasn't as amusing a story as I'd hoped. Now you know better than to trust me to amuse you, eh?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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