a rather good and yet productive day

05.23.02 @ 2:04 a.m.

Well, I've had rather a nice evening, which I want to record here before I forget it. I wandered into Leah's room to ask a question about Discworld books and managed to get myself invited to go with Leah and Krista to Taco Bell. And so we went, and they forgot to give Krista the quesadilla she ordered and paid for. Shame on 11th Ave. Taco Bell! Anyway, I had two chicken soft tacos and they were good except they had onions on them. We talked about Disneyland and morbid things and Star Wars and other movies. It was fun. But I'm getting ahead of myself a little. We took Jen's car, though Jen did not go with us. If I had a car as nice as Jen's, I would not go lending it out. Especially not to crazy driver Leah :). It was late and we swerved a bit, nearly ran a red light, whatever... Anyway, we got back and climbed out of Jen's car... and the alarm started going off. Leah pushed the button on the keychain to no avail. Krista gets the award for memorable line of the evening with "Just push all the damn buttons!" Krista then took the keychain and pushed random buttons, popping open the trunk and finally silencing the alarm. I closed the trunk, and it was declared an amusing car trip. In the course of the evening, I also showed them my "Gangsta Philsophy" paper, which is a paper on virtue and vice that I wrote in horrible, overdone gansta slang, which actually helped me write the stupid paper. Apparently it's very funny. So if you see a philosphy paper somewhere on the internet (I sent them copies at their request) that calls Kant a philosophizin' bastard, then all the credit should go to ME! Other clue to my authorship: the words "funky fresh Prince of Darkness."

Did I mention I'm a weird girl? I think maybe I did. Perhaps someday I'll post my funky philosophy paper here. (To affirm my sanity, I'll tell you that I only wrote the rough draft in all that crazy talk, yo, and I rewrote it as... well, as myself. Oh, white girls should not write like that, I will say that for sure.)

Tomorrow Jodi comes and I haven't done much except brainstorm on my Shakespeare paper. I'm going to try to get it all done tomorrow afternoon, I hope I hope, as well as some desperately needed laundry. Yay me. I think I'm also going to pack up a bunch of my books to take home with me over the long weekend. I might as well start taking stuff home if I can. I think I might take the scanner home, too, since Dad has been on my case about it. Apparently he wants to learn to manage hiddenforestgsds by himself. HAHAHA. Riiiight. I should get him a tripod account instead of nasty villianous GeoCities. I hate GeoCities, by the way. You may not have known that. They took away my FTP power, and so I moved to tripod. I like them much better, even though I don't have any FTP utilities on this computer. If I can find a Carbonized FTP program, who knows, I might even PAY for it!

The Unregistered Shareware Queen signs off and heads for bed. Tra la tra lees like Davy in the forest... very Gretel.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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