i wasted time, now doth time waste me

05.20.02 @ 10:17 p.m.

Here's an interesting question for you: Why on earth does seeing the Lilo and Stitch trailer at Gateway give me the inexplicable urge to cry? Twice now this has happened. The first time was when I went to see Big Trouble. I was distracted for the first bit of the movie because I wanted to cry and cry and cry, but not in the middle of a movie theater. Again it happened, the very next time I went to Gateway. This time it was Star Wars, and "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." blew that feeling away rather quickly, but still. I am alarmed by this. It's just so odd. Gosh, it's late and I have no idea where my roommate is. I kind of worry about her, but not that much. I think part of the thing is that her being gone so much lately highlights how much time I spend alone in this room. I flip through the channels.... all those cable channels and there's still nothing on. Eh. I also need to work on a paper for Shakespeare, and a little paper to turn in with the rest of the group. That's possibly due tomorrow. Eegad. Maybe I should type up a page just in case. Yeah, I should probably do that. God, I'm a lazy bum.

So what am I doing? I'm sitting at my little laptop, which is still caseless because of the bizarre buyer's guilt my parents managed to instill in me, watching reruns of Whose Line on ABC Family and worrying about the random aches and pains I've developed over the last hour or so. Oh-ho, and I should be reading Richard III. Greaaaat. Well, at least I have a copy. I wasn't sure. Thirty pages! Damn! I haven't even read Henry V yet. (Shame on me, but I spent all my reading time rehearsing that last little bit.) I'm also supposed to cover the first two acts of King Lear by Wednesday. Basically, this week, I'm FUCKED. So I might as well get a little bit of a start on the reading for tomorrow before I'm distracted by the Daily Show and old SNLs.




fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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