our relationship is more 'the Maine fisherman and the large tuna'

05.14.02 @ 8:45 p.m.

Damn Netscape. I had a entry that was only moderately boring half written when it quit itself. *SIGH*

The gist of what I wrote was: I love The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and if I weren't so lazy, I'd set my VCR to tape it 'cause it's on at 5:30 in the morning on TBS.

Today, I got up, did the whole morning thang, and took my bike to Shakespeare. I hadn't done the reading, Henry V acts I-III, because I have to perform a bit of act V on Thursday. Eeeeeeeeeek. I'm skipping Comp Lit tomorrow for rehersal. That's kinda funny, because I went to Italian Film today and Emily's 'friend' she hoped would come last time who instead came today is actually a guy from my Comp Lit class. He's performing tomorrow, he told me, and I said "See you tomorrow," and then I realized I wouldn't and told him I wouldn't 'cause I planned to skip. Brilliant. We rehearsed a bit after Shakespeare, enough that I've realized that I'm second closest to knowing my lines, and I have a pretty small part. I should be working on that now. But what, what am I doing? I'm watching the end credits to NBC's funniest outtakes and an ad for "Friends: the birth". Oh-ho, I can't miss that one.

Okay, the local news apparently gets all it's ideas from the Daily Emerald. They're top stories parallel the headlines of the Emerald. Seriously. Tonight it's bike theft, which was today's headline. When the Emerald did a story on how the campus bells are actually speakers on top of the EMU and a couple of days later it was a story on NewsSource16. Yeah, as in our source of news is the U of O campus paper. Geesh! Do you people subsist entirely on the work of the School of Journalism? Actually, the campus paper is independent of the S of J. I think. I dunno. Supposedly we have a really good journalism school. That's why I plan to be a journalism premajor. Of course, 'plan to' says a lot about me. I planned to declare my major before spring break. It's the seventh week of school and I still haven't done it. Because I'm a coward, if you're wondering why. Anyway, it seems like 2 out of 3 people here are journalism majors.

Moni Moni is coming to school here in the fall. I hope that'll work out okay. With any luck, I'll have the same relationship with her as with with the other Glencoe students. (I ignore them, they ignore me.) Perhaps one day I'll go into the drama with Moni. I'm supposed to be over it, and I guess I pretty much am now, but it took a lot of venting and catharsis. I wrote my Creative Writing final story about the issues with Moni. Perhaps it would be quick and easy to copy paste that story in here. Oh, damn, except I'd have to wait until I go home, because I forgot to transfer my CRWR stuff over to this computer, since it wasn't in "my" folder on the iMac. I left the CRWR stuff in the public areas of the computer.

I'm watching Frasier, even though I don't usually like it, and I'm struck by the fact that Frasier is wearing all black and Roz is wearing all white. I'm sure that's on purpose.

Ooh, ooh! I bought a copy of Entertainment Weekly because it had Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey on the cover. The article inside was really great. I think I'll keep it. At the least, I am so putting the faux '70s prom picture of Jimmy and Tina on my wall. I love them. They are the best Weekend Update team in recent SNL history. I love spotting Tina in older sketches and the few current sketches she does. And eeeee! Jimmy is so HOT. I just love love love him.

So I've established that I have a physical type I tend to be attracted to. Jimmy Fallon, Jeff Geddis, Mike Nesmith, Michael Palin, Jeremy Northam. I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of them right now. OH! And Garrett! Where oh where has hot Garrett gone? Now I have no one to stare at in Astronomy, if I were still taking Astronomy. I wish I had made more of an effort to hang out with him. I had one night of awesome hanging out with him and others. Fortunately, that night also brought me the Shafer EP from Here On Out, his band. I wish I knew where he went, but I don't want to clue in anyone that I liked him, and I don't feel like I know Rose across the hall well enough to ask.

Ooooh, I need to practice, to learn my lines after Scrubs. No homework would make me miss the second half of the Brendan Fraser Scrubs ep. Ooh, add a guy to the guys I like list... No, not Brendan, the guy who plays JD on Scrubs. And Tom Cavenaugh, but not as much. OOH! AND JON STEWART! Oh my god, I love Jon Stewart. I am such a Daily Show addict! He's so funny and cool! *sigh*



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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