snoopy and the red baron

05.13.02 @ 5:59 p.m.

Well, I'm back! You all missed me, didn't you? That whole DAY I didn't write. Ha. Never leave a job unfinished, unless it's laundry, and then who cares if you leave piles of partially sorted clean laundry all over your bed?

Not me, I can say that much.

Maybe the people glancing in through my open door are scandalized, but hey, what do I care? Really?

So I got back from this long walk and I was feeling all poetic. It was cloudy but temperate, and I was longing to have a good camera and some black and white film again. I was in such an artistic mood, and that's pretty much gone now. I am feeling a little creative. I might work on my newest story. I think I justify writing borderline fanfic by calling it "practice." Hey, I am working on plot and characterization and so on, I'm just writing about an 18 year old girl in the Screen Gems universe who suddenly finds out she's a... um, well, okay, a genie (I've been watching too much I Dream of Jeannie, which, aw crap, I missed today) who gets found by... well, *blush* Mike Nesmith. It's all very silly, but fun to think about. It is. I have plots all thought out, if I can remember them long enough. I'm really getting into this one... I don't have to force myself to write it. I just sit down with my laptop and it flows out. The only thing is I need to seek out a quiet little hidey hole to work in. If it weren't getting late and getting near time to eat, I'd go back up to the Skylight and work there. It is so damn peaceful there.

Today I had to go to the EMU (student union) to run some errands, and when I was done, I took a copy of the campus newspaper and the Comic News and I found a cushy chair up in the Skylight and it just felt WONDERFUL. I am so hippy peaceful today. Now, before the night is through I'm going to need to start looking at my part in Henry V (feck, I need to finish reading Henry IV pt 1, I think. No, wait... We already had a test on that. SWEET.) I have a paper due in... My calendar needs to be over here where I can see it, not over on my closet. I think I'll move it, now that I have more wall space. Oh, one thing at a time. I'll finish putting my laundry away, and then perhaps I'll away to Carson to have some food, yum yum.

PS- I heard Snoopy and the Red Baron on the radio today and IT MADE MY FUCKING DAY. I love that song. Woo hoo, the Royal Guardsmen ROCK!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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