i'm a loser and i'm not what i appear to be

05.11.02 @ 10:00 p.m.

I'm at home this weekend for Mother's day, which is why the compulsive diary writing has been at a minimum.

So, not to sound like a gushing girl, but I LOVE PUPPIES. That sounds horribly little girlish. But it's true. There are some month and a half or so old pups out of Nezzie and Bungi, who was the Grand Victor, but he recently died through the neglegence of a veterinary technition. I wonder if his owners are going to sue. Bungi was one hell of a valuable dog. Ch. Ibanez of Hidden Forest, better known as Nezzie, is the pups' mother. She's a very sweet dog, but a little too licky for my tastes. I spent an hour or so playing with one of the boy pups, who I'm hoping to name Billy. Billy would be short for I'm a Believer of Hidden Forest. (Get it? Billy, BELiever.) He's a gorgeous looking pup, his ears are up, he's playful, and just darling. (By the way, these pups are purebred German Shepherds out of incredibly expensive stock.)

I'm so proud of our lines of German Shepherds. The line coming out of Brunhilda, who was born just a few months before I was and died when I was 14, are generally fantastic dogs. Ch. Hidden Forest's Ringmaster went Best in Show in... Brush Prairie, I think. He's distant uncle to our pups.

Now that I've bored you all to death by talking dogs.... (Not talking dogs, talking about dogs, ha ha.) (By the way, when I say 'ha ha,' I'm usually denoting a fake laugh or a sarcastic laugh.) Ow, my shoulder hurts and I don't know why. I really should be working more on my Faust paper. I did do a few things earlier today. I sat out on the lawn (on a lawn chair, it had just been mowed and I didn't want to go all green and grass stained) with my laptop and brainstormed a page worth of notes and musings on Doctor Faustus' dealings with Mephostophilis.

SONOFABITCH, I just bashed my knee into the computer table. Oh, motherofgod, this hurts. A lot really. Aarrgh. I guess I'll go now to watch Britcoms and maybe dream up some dippy fanfic. I've been entertained lately by a Jeannie/Monkees not quite crossover.

I haven't been reading much Pratchett lately. For quite some time now, when I've been reading a book for entertainment (which is often, I'm always reading) it's been a Discworld book. Lately, though, I've been interested in Star Wars again. Part of it is the movie coming out again, and part of it is that there was an article on the various members of Rogue Squadron through time in the recent issue of Star Wars Insider.

I've also been having a highly musical day. I listened to the Hollies and the I Am Sam soundtrack at high volume today and also listened to the HEAD soundtrack while I was hanging up laundry. Lots of singing along. Oh, and I listened to Beatles for Sale a bit, and my dad and I sang I'm a Loser after hanging around looking over my '87 Taurus to get it up and running. I actually haven't learned to drive yet. I don't know if it's laziness or just that I never needed to drive anywhere. It's funny, because I live out in the middle of nowhere. It's just that Jodi always drove me to school and if I need to go out, I go with my parents. But I will need the Taurus to get to work this summer, and I will need to try to get a job. ICK. Tomorrow I need to finish up my DA application and write a resume. Wait, I can't finish my DA application until I get back to school, because I left the paper behind. (D'oh!) But the resume needs seeing to. *SIGH* Things are difficult, sometimes. I guess I'll check on some diaries and be done for the night.

As I said to the cute little German Shepherd pups, Guten Nacht!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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