star wars, nothing but staaaaaaaar wars...

05.09.02 @ 9:52 p.m.

No matter how critical I am of Star Wars Episode I, when I watch it I turn back into the Star Wars geek that I will always be. So of course, watching Eppie I on FOX tonight, starting from the middle, I see a planet streaked with lines of light and find myself squealing "CORUSCANT!" and bouncing up and down. The view from the Jedi Temple is so flat. That doesn't scan with books that describe it as jagged. But much time has passed and it is a constantly evolving cityscape. I LOVE SAM JACKSON. I love that he asked George Lucas if he could just be a Stormie or something, he didn't even have to be listed as long as he knew he was in it. I don't much like Jake Lloyd. I wanna see the next movie. EEEE! Did I mention I already bought my tickets, just tonight? ROCK AND ROLL. I got the earliest one I was sure I could get to. I didn't want to pick 12:45 because I have class until 11:30 (performance day, I don't even want to THINK about that) so I'm going later in the afternoon. YEE HAW! I am so psyched. It doesn't hurt that I'm all into Coruscant since I'm reading the X-Wing series, the first four books of which chronicle the liberation of Coruscant from the hands of Ysanne Isard, in a whole complicated series of events which involve plague and hysteria and a frame up of the oh so cool Tycho Celchu. Okay, so I mostly think Tycho is cool because I can pronounce his name now. At first I pronounced it Tie-ko Chel-chu, but now I realize that it's Teek-ko Sel-chu. I found this out because I studied Astronomy I found out about Tycho Brahe. Anyway, the coolest Star Wars character ever is WEDGE ANTILLES. Novel writers have done too many bad things to the big four. Not that crazy things haven't been done to Wedge. (Two words: Qwi Xux.) However, Aaron Allston has totally redeemed Wedge by getting him together with Iella Wesseri. The most recent X-Wing book is fantastic. However, I haven't read anything else that takes place after Vision of the Future in the Star Wars timeline. I dunno, Luke and Mara... I mean, I pretty much knew it would happen, and I'm glad that Zahn handled it, but I don't know if I could deal with battle worn, still whiney Luke having, you know, a family. I don't know if the New Jedi Order books are any good... the cover art drives me away from them, to be perfectly honest. And I was just tired of taking the bad with the good. Because quite frankly, there was a lot of bad. What was that race with the big nasty claw in their wrist? I think the trilogy involved Before the Storm. The Ssi-ruuk scare me a little, but I keep intending to read Bakura again. And Courtship, because that's an almost legendary novel, though I don't remember it being that great. Not one of my favorites, you know? I think the thing is that I'm evaluating my Star Wars collection. I'm maybe considering selling some of them. I know for sure I'm selling the first two of the godawful Bounty Hunter books. Slave Ship and Hard Merchandise or something.

Enough obscure Star Warsy stuff. I have homework to do and I'm watching Dr. Greene's last ER. I still have to get ready to go home tomorrow.



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