a day in the life

05.03.02 @ 9:45 p.m.

In the course of the day, I forgot to talk about my horrid morning. I have class at nine, and usually when I have class at nine, I get up at 7:30 so I can shower and everything. This morning I woke up at 8:45. That's the time I normally leave the dorms. So I had to skip my shower, which was extra gross because it was hot the day before and I got all sweaty and my hair was extra dirty because I hadn't had a chance to wash it well the day before, so feeling like CRAP, I got up, dressed quickly, and realized that I hadn't done my homework. I started up the computer to print off my homework and my printer decided to do it's impression of the SLOWEST PRINTER IN THE WORLD. By the time I left my room it was 8:58. I got to class after the homework was collected and just as the midterm exam was beginning. The cruel irony is that if I didn't wait to print my homework, I would've gotten there in time to turn my homework in. Then in Linguistics, I missed out on five points of a 25 point midterm because I skipped class on Wednesday, when I assumed that we would be doing nothing important, which is what we usually do in Linguistics. Fuck. I had no idea what the question was asking, so like an IDIOT, I went up and asked the teacher. He's African, and I have a hard time with his accent sometimes. I did not understand his brief explanation of what I was supposed to do, but I couldn't just turn in the test and ignore that he tried to teach me what was going on, so I had to go back to my desk and fake it. Plus I had lent a rather nice mechanical pencil to the woman next to me, and damn it, I wanted it back. So I waited and pretended to check answers and consider things for what felt like an eternity, but probably about 5-10 minutes. I turned it in and left, just floating in relief.

FINALLY I was out of there and my day was mine again. I turned on the computer and dinked around for a couple of minutes, but I don't remember what I was checking on. I undressed to take a shower and played a couple of computer games in my robe. I got in the shower and OH MY GOD did it feel good to be clean. I was done with class for the day, so I decided I could take my time in the shower. I used conditioner, which I don't usually have time to use.

The last couple of days have left me feeling really unhappy with my looks. I've looked like shit for the last two days, but after conditioning and drying my hair so that it was nice and straight except where it turns up at the ends made me feel so good about myself. The only other bad thing to happen to me today was that I accidentally left my towels and my pyjama pants in the dryer for hours, so someone took them out and dumped them on a table. But nothing was stolen, so it's all good. Wait, something else unpleasant happened. My roommate just brought in clam chowder, and fish smells make me gag.

So on to the nice things in my day. I watched Priscilla, hurrah, after checking it out from the area desk, which means I got it free for the afternoon. I hope to get Moulin Rouge tomorrow. Amy came down from Corvallis to see a softball game and we went to dinner and watched TV together until about an hour ago. (It's 10:30 now.) God, that fish smell is driving me crazy. That was nice, and my day was okay when I averaged it all together. I had a lot of fun with Amy. I'm really glad that I saw her today, or my day would have been really boring and maybe a little depressing. I think it might be a little depressing anyway. I feel kind of sad. I can't explain it. I think I'll read some of Quoted and check out some other diaries. I was thinking about my goal, to be an author, and reading diaries and maybe writing based on the character that comes out of that might be a good exercise. Fun, eh? My problem is that I instantly assume all the writers are female. This has happened a couple of times while reading diaries. I think it's just that I don't expect guys to write journals, especially online journals. It seems like such a girly thing to do, even when the writers are adults. I don't know. I think I'm going to get rid of the iMood thing on here. It makes me feel like a 13 year old. I'm too smart for this.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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