oh, you're no fun anymore

04.23.02 @ 1:35 p.m.

Eugh, my desk is such a mess. It kind of makes it hard to type.

Last night was fairly cool. Leah asked me to go get food with her and I hung out with her for a while after that. Samantha invited me up to her room later to have a Rolling Stones CD 'party,' but I had homework. I was supposed to read the Second Book of the Courtier for my Shakespeare class but it was so long and so boring that I fell asleep twice, and it was only 9 p.m. Well, I didn't so much fall asleep as go into eyes-closed daydreams. That's bad... I've been living in fantasies so much lately that it's kind of starting to worry me. I bet it would be nice to have a LIFE.

Okay, the weirdest thing happened last... Thursday, I guess. I was watching VH1 and they were showing this "Weird Al" Live thing, which I thought was pretty cool, since I haven't much listened to Weird Al since oh, Junior High maybe. Noah, my sixth grade sort-of-boyfriend, and I used to talk about him. So Weird Al is singing The Saga Begins on TV, a song about Star Wars Episode 1. E* and I heard someone singing along out in the hall, and she said "Whoa, that's scary" (she overuses the word 'scary' just like my dad overuses 'sick' and they both drive me crazy, but anyway). Our door was pretty much closed but not latched, and this guy who I've never seen before pushes the door open, singing along with the TV. He stayed for the WHOLE FUCKING SONG. Afterwards, during a commercial, I think, he was like "Weird Al is the coolest!" and then he wandered away. WHO DOES THAT? I mean really, who just GOES INTO SOMEONE'S ROOM? It's not like I had the door wide open, it was just open a little.

I'm listening to a Monty Python CD. It's okay, I guess. Sometimes I feel like watching some of my videotapes of the show, but I've seen them all many times over, and I never know which one I'm in the mood for. Same with the Monkees. I have all the episodes, I just don't know which ones I want to watch at a given time. I haven't actually watched the Monkees in a while. I should do that, but I feel better not watching TV at all. I watch TV way, way too much. I'm thinking, though, that I ought to see if some other girls want to watch Help! sometime. I have a copy of it, and Leah said something about wanting to see it when I talked to her last night.

I actually got someone to watch HEAD with me last year. Nickelle from my floor came in partway through it, and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. Oh, we like Nickelle. :)

I'm a little worried that I missed out on something important by skipping Italian Film discussion last week. Today I'm supposed to take notes on the movie because I'm set to present tomorrow with some guy I don't know. Who knows how this'll go. I'm also supposed to be getting prepared for my papers for Shakespeare and Comparative Lit, and I'm just not ready.

No word yet on the new computer front. My parents are supposed to call tonight when they've made a decision.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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