
04.29.02 @ 8:46 p.m.

Samantha just came in to borrow a CD from E*. She told me that she saw a Monkees album, an acutal vinyl album, signed by Peter Tork at Goodwill. Fucking crazy. Of course, it's a neat idea to go and buy it... what's $3 in the scheme of things? But the more I think about it, the more I realize that the real value in autographed things is being there. My autographs on Headquarters Sessions and my HHWTM book mean so much to me more that I went to a pair of fantastic concerts and stood in long lines and sat with Martha, took candy from strangers, and joked about Peter being so popular that Jesus was his bass player. (Hey, he had a goatee and long dark hair. He looked like Jesus. What else can I say?) So I don't know if I'll go see if it's there or not. A trip to Goodwill might be a good idea.

Don't you just love unexplained checks? I got a massive check from the University today and I have no idea why. Don't question unexplained money. Maybe I would feel better about it if I didn't realize I will be up to neck in debt by the time I graduate. Oh, shame on me. I'm eating Wintergreen Tic Tacs like candy. And my stomach hurts. University food is better than it could be, but gods, it isn't nearly as good as food at home. There's just some quality about food here. Something just seems... wrong with it and I can't figure out what. Ouch.

I had a Comparative Lit midterm today. We had to write in those little exam books that you have to trudge over to the bookstore to buy. I filled one and four pages in the second. Not that big of an achievement when you consider that we were only allowed to write on one side of the paper and the pages were 8.5"x7" wide ruled. My hand started to hurt almost immediately. I think it was because I was concentrating on my handwriting or something. I think I did okay. I think I'll have to depend on what we discussed on the Fanatical Apathy Forum, which is counting on teachers being so glad to see clear writing that they'll let slipshod ideas go under the radar. Here's hoping.

Frontier House looks like a cool show. A prairie Survivor. Gods, I love PBS. There are some really great shows on it if you look. My absolute favorite Mystery! series is Touching Evil. Oh, how I love Robsin Green. I can't recall if I'm spelling that right, but who cares. He's hot. This is so cool. I'm glad I checked out today or I wouldn't have known. I admire these people, trying to recreate 1880s pioneer life. I couldn't do that, I'm sure. Can you imagine how hard it must be to give up ALL modern conveniences? I guess I'm putting off my Shakespeare reading 'til the end of this. This looks really really cool.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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