
04.28.02 @ 4:40 p.m.

I'm on a Rolling Stones kick today. 19th Nervous Breakdown is blasting in my ear. I've got the windows wide open, too... I'm hoping to share Hot Rocks with the world. Oh, I love Mick Jagger, especially after watching the rerun of last December's SNL, when he does the reflection thing with Jimmy Fallon.

I just got back from a hot, sweaty journey to the laundry room. When I got there I discovered the two washers I intended to claim were filled. Damn. So I left my laundry behind long enough to check the other laundry room at the other end of the basement. One of the washers there had erupted, but I decided it wasn't my problem and avoided it. To make a long story short(er), I have two loads of 'emergency' laundry going. I'm not fool enough to try to do laundry on a Sunday unless I really, really need clean clothes for Monday.

Cryptic message from the parentals: They sent me rebate info on iPods. iPods are pretty damn expensive, so I wonder at the idea that they might be giving me permission to buy one. I've been drooling over the things since they first came out, so I'm highly intrigued.

Today was pretty good. I spent more time out and about then usual. I studied with a couple of girls outside the library for a while this afternoon, and then I laid out on a blanket on the still semidamp grass. Of course, my clothes smelled like damp dirt and grass, which may sound pleasant but it's not. I still smell like slightly manurey dirt, even though I changed my clothes. I'm trying to be as efficient as possible in doing laundry, so I'm wearing my olive cargo pants that I never wear, and my Monkees t-shirt which I'm slightly embarassed about wearing. It's a neat tshirt, but not the coolest one I own. I don't like the color so much, it's kind of big on me, and it's BRIGHT. I don't like to draw that much attention. Plus, it's getting summery and dark colors suck in heat. (Ha, I say that like I'm not going to continue wearing my black t-shirts all the time.) People are playing frisbee outside and I secretly want them to ask me to join them. Oh. They've stopped. Never mind, then.

One thing I should do today is get the Desk Assistant application. But I probably won't. I am resolved to do it when my computer arrives. I... I'm all worried about getting my Midsummer Night's Dream reading done, but I don't have that class until Tuesday. But still, being productive does seem to be a good idea. I wonder if it's worth it to drag the blanket out again and join some of my fellow complex residents on the lawn. Nah. The only one out there is Josh. He's a nice guy, a year older but in the same grade, but not worth all the work of dragging the blanket out and wallowing on the damp ground, even if it is in the sunlight. Hey, I've gotten two hours of sunlight today, at least. More like two and a half. I'm well set by my standards.

I tried on a tank top today since I actually went to the trouble of shaving. Noticed that my arms have gotten distressingly flabby. Ugh. And white, because I never wear sleeveless shirts.

Oh, EMBARASSING STORY TIME! Okay, so last year at the blues festival, I bought this pretty embroidered tank top. (It's at home. I'm gonna have to bring it back here when I go home at Mother's Day.) I thought it was really nice, so I went over to the bathrooms to change into it and wear it for the rest of the day. I got it on and realized... that I hadn't shaved in weeks. I decided to change back into my tshirt. I keep meaning to shave my legs, which I haven't done in a really long time because, being a little overweight, I don't like to wear shorts, so I don't bother. But now I wouldn't mind being able to get a LITTLE sun on my white white legs. I'm sure I've passed the too much information boundary, haven't I? Hurrah for me.

I don't know what I've done, but I really don't feel like thinking about the Monkees much at all. My usual daydream patterns have been upset by something and I don't know what it is. Weird. I also feel kind of guilty for not working on GCF, by which I mean adding new content. I fixed it all up and reopened it, but I don't feel like adding anything new. Probably because I've practically run out of new things to add. I have a few more articles and pictures... Tons of pictures, actually. I made a list of decent pictures in the scans I made of Belle's Tiger Beat Monkee Spectaculars. I can excise them in PhotoDeluxe or something, if I weren't so damn apathetic all the time. Lazy, lazy me.

Oh, heaven preserve me... My roommate is eating a Cinnabon and if I'm not careful I'm going to drown in my own drool.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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