a fine romance

05.25.05 @ 11:25 p.m.

I am so stupendously excited about my group's presentation for our Women's Movement class. SO EXCITED. The topic is Third Wave Feminist Literature (incl. fiction and magazines), and my part is Chick Lit, a distinctly recent genre which generally acknowledged to have started with Bridget Jones' Diary. By some staggering conjunction of fate*, I was at the library today and found a book about developing inner poise, "spirituality for the Bridget Jones in all of us" it claimed. Wonderfully, it has chapters defining Chick Lit and it's place in feminism. But also exciting is the intent of Adrienne and I to join my fic presentation with her erotica presentation with lurid romance novels! EEE! I'm so going to go to the paperback exchange and will pick out the trashiest looking Harlequins I can find. Maybe they'll have something from the whatever series, flipped or something, I can't remember. Those probably actually belong to my Chick Lit presentation rather than your standard bodice ripper. But such a nice transition between my part and Adrienne's! I think she hopes to shock the boys, though consensus amongst our group is that one of the four, the delightful Casey, is absolutely adorable. His charm, according to one girl, is that he seems to be utterly honest, in the way a little kid is.

MEANWHILE, I am trying not to drown in unfinished (or even unstarted) work, but I'm really not making any progress. I've got to write my Stepford response tonight and I really, really should have written my response paper today, too, but I haven't even finished the damn play I intend to write about. I guess I'll go do that as soon as I finish writing here.

I <3 The Prisoner x 1,000,000. It's such a great show. And I am just adoring Patrick McGoohan in a weird, not-quite-crush way. I love him, but not in a "I want to marry him" or "I want to have his children" way. Just an "OMFG AWESOME" way. Just, "fuck yeah, Patrick McGoohan!"

I have not yet watched the season finale of LOST. I taped it because I knew I'd be at the presentation meeting and got home nearly an hour into it. The plan right now is to watch it tomorrow for a Sanity Break while writing my English papers. Oh well. Thank whatever deities you may that I've read the source material for the longer paper.

*Did I ever say that I went to Borders one evening and found this discounted book on horoscopes by birth year? For a 1982 Sagittarius, it was kind of stunning, because it talked about dependence on fate and an optimism that comes from assuming that things will ultimately work out in the end. I was a bit astonished, because that is exactly how I am. I feel like I'm too rational to believe in something like fate, and yet I try to puzzle out what things mean, what kind of signals I'm supposed to be receiving. If something notable happens, I will take a lot of time trying to decide what the message is and what my course of action should be. Also, in chinese astrology I'm a "water dog" which is fascinating in itself. I wonder why I find these things so attractive.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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