clouds so swift and rain fallin' in

05.02.05 @ 10:44 a.m.

Okay, so what is going on in my life?

Not a whole hell of a lot.

It's been at least a week since I've written anything of substance, I think, and I know there are a million things I meant to write and never did, which is so very, very frustrating because now, of course, I cannot remember what they were.

I guess I could start with classes, since school is pretty much the only place I go, apart from the grocery store. I love my detective fiction class to the nth degree, for one thing. Boren is bringing up child molesters a lot, but without the painful anecdotes that characterized his Chaucer course. The problem is that while I managed to just barely keep up with the Dashiell Hammett (agh! LOVE Dashiell Hammett in all his racist, sexist glory) I am now about a book and a half behind on Raymond Chandler. And I'd try to just skip The Big Sleep and hope I come out okay on the exam (because I could have skipped some Hammett and still done well on that test), but Boren seems determined to refer back to The Big Sleep frequently as the origin of themes and such. Damn. Incidentally, I stressed like mad over the Hammett exam because he is always so gloom and doom over his grading and standards, but I got an A and little notes like "A pleasure to read! Very convincing argument!" I'm not surprised, though, because that's what happened in Chaucer, too.

Intro: I have not been doing ANY of the reading for Intro and oh crap, we have a quiz Wednesday. I'm going to have to skim/check for SparkNotes for Heart of Darkness and maybe glance over some of the poetry. Also, I am quite glad that I've read The Importance of Being Earnest before, because that means I am actually up to date on the Wilde reading. But absolutely nothing else. I need to get myself together or I'm in trouble, because this is a required class and I'm oh so close to graduation.

Geology: Jesus god I am such a nerd for rocks and fossils. We had a midterm on Friday of the multiple choice variety, which I think I did okay on, and I completely spaced a lab last Wednesday and will have to do it tomorrow to turn in on Wednesday. I like the class, but still feel old and jaded (despite my well-contained enthusiasm) being in a Freshman science class.

Feminism: <3 everything about my feminism class except that I've got to be done with Fear of Flying tonight AND write a 4 page paper, a ha ha. Fuck. I think that I would have been done with FoF long ago if I didn't hate Isadora Wing SO DAMN MUCH. There is NOTHING REDEEMING IN HER CHARACTER. I probably exaggerate, but ugh, all she does is whine and talk about sex. And while there may be prudishness on my part, it's more irritating that she talks like someone making a concious stab at sophistication. "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GROWN UP. I THROW FOREIGN PHRASES INTO MY PROSE ALL THE TIME AND I USE THE WORD 'CUNT' FREQUENTLY WHILE DESCRIBING MY SEXUAL EXPLOITS. OH, AND BOO HOO I AM HAVING AN AFFAIR AND LOOK I AM SO NEUROTIC PITY ME PITY ME PITY ME."

I want to stab her in the face. Hard. Repeatedly.

Last night I was avoiding homework by watching TV and working on this cotton hair scarf I am making (why I didn't buy something synthetic and less prone to wrinkling, I don't know), and because I am batiking it, this means fussing with melted wax. After an astonishingly lucky couple of days, last night I spilled hot wax all over my kitchen table... twice. I think I also fucked over my USB/Firewire iPod cable by getting a little bit of wax in the iPod bit. No HUGE loss because it was my secondary cable and they have computers with Firewire ports in the lab, finally, but still. Goodbye $20. I guess I will put newspaper down when I have to wax over the bits I'm going to dye red.

I'm also thinking of having Moni help me dye my hair again, tipping it with a color to be determined, but probably dark blue again.

This is excessively long, so I'll write about Amy's party later. Suffice it to say we had a good time and I finally got around to buying Amy an Eddie Izzard DVD.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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