come sleep on the beach, keep within my reach

03.25.05 @ 12:59 a.m.

So last night's "eurrrgh, I don't wanna go" was perhaps overdoing it, but I could have done just as well with staying in Portland. I mean, the coast is pretty and I like all the coastal forests we drive through, but really, when the weather isn't spectucular, it isn't worth playing in the water or even in the sand. It's a windy walk along the sea.

I guess I'm not so connected or soothed by the sea. Martha has often said she cannot fathom living outside of easy driving distance from the ocean. I guess I like the climate that goes along with being in the vicinity of the ocean, but I don't need to be near the sea very often. (And yet one of my dearest characters is connected to the sea in a very Quadrophenia-Jimmy Cooper way.)

It was cold enough that I not only wore my zip-front hoodie, but Martha's as well. But I was only wearing my tiny "Not a Doctor" t-shirt underneath.

Amy got a free order of clam strips at the seafood place we frequent because they fucked up my order and put hers out a second time instead of mine. They don't actually know they gave her free clam strips, I just encouraged Amy to take them when they called her number a second time. Unscrupulous, I am.

We didn't stay all that long. We left at four or so and eventually ended up at Martha's, where we played a couple of long games of Scene It (which did not work well with Martha's DVD player and was on double speed for most of the game) and '90s Edition Trivial Pursuit. We didn't leave there until 9:30 or so. I don't think we try very hard to entertain each other when it's just us.

Most of the day was spent in good conversation and while there was perhaps an excess of in-jokes (poor Andrew, we kept referencing things that happened or were discussed on Monday) I was glad to talk to Andrew a bit.

Oh! I am a busy girl when it comes to dream time apparently. Apart from appearing in a Dumbrella dream, Amy and Martha had dreams about me, too. Martha dreamed that I got furious that Greg (a gentleman who talked to us at Starbucks on Monday) was actually married and deceived us by not wearing a wedding ring. Like, ranting angry. More frightening was Amy's dream. She dreamed that they were mowing a field where she was playing softball and that they ran over some of her stuff (iPod headphones and USB cord) with the mower. Two of her teammates were combing through the grass and told her that a story I had been writing got caught in the mower and they were trying to find all the pieces. It turns out that I was so upset that I committed suicide and Amy was freaking out that they hadn't told her right away. Like... maybe she could have talked me down.

I can't really imagine becoming so very devoted to one of my stories that I would be driven to suicide by its destruction. I have a hard time thinking of anything that could not be rewritten.

Dear lead guy in Kings of Leon: Hair down or hair cut, none of this ponytail business. It is SERIOUSLY unattractive. I vote cut, as you don't have a long-hair face.

The male ponytail is never, ever, ever acceptable. I say this knowing that Pete Townshend long had the ponytail through the eighties and early nineties (at least in '89, in the "Tommy on Ice" live video I have) and it was AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL. It's skeezy. It's awful, get your fucking hair cut. In fact, men of the internet, men of the universe, try not to let your hair grow much beyond "shaggy" because full on long is, for the most part, not pretty. A few exceptions can be made. Roger Daltrey, for example. At least he knew when to STOP and when to get his fucking hair cut, unlike one Robert Plant who really just looks ridiculous.

W. T. F. An ad for the "Mork & Mindy" biopic with "Don't Fear the Reaper"? DOES NOT COMPUTE.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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