
03.09.05 @ 8:30 p.m.

Here marks the start of an intended several hours in the library. I'm not sure if I'll update much, but if I do, I'll edit this entry. I'll certainly write something before I leave.

Had a hell of a time parking, which I didn't expect. I was lucky enough to find a space that wasn't so far from the library as to put me in a state of paranoia. If I had put it off another hour, I would have been able to park in the lot across the street with a clear conscience.

Now to find a place to start reading and taking notes on Thomas More, as that's my goal for the night. Maybe I'll finish off the first Paradise Lost paper, since I've got almost everything I need for it. All that's missing is the actual act of composition.


Thoughts of getting some drive-thru while I still can beguile me. I held out until I finished reading A Man For All Seasons. (I also held out peeing that long, and it was like the beginning of Austin Powers. I'm going to have no control when I get old, I abuse my bladder so.) I shall eat, I shall come back.


I am pleased that I managed to find what is apparently the only Taco Bell in this town from vague memory of going there with Leah and Krista back in my Freshman year. Generally, I'm not a big fan, but I do like the Chicken Enchilada Grilled Stuffed Burrito. Mmm. And that much needed shot of caffeine from the pepsi (that I emptied into my travel mug, as fast food cups are not allowed in here. Even though I emptied it first, it tastes like a slightly distasteful blend of tea and cola).

I do, however, have a headache that I hope goes away soon. It's a shame that my bottle o' pills is in my purse, not my school bag.

Now to find a new place to hole up. The big tables are the best, though it would behoove me to find a place with an outlet for my laptop.


Just now leaving because my brain has ceased to function. I still have so much to do that I'm pretty well convinced that I am SO FUCKED. It's okay, though. I may just try reducing myself to just the Trial and forgoing the interrogations, but they seem important. Reynolds is just long-fucking-winded and I've read most of what he has to say in the Roper biography. Arrrgh arrrgh arrrgh. To my car and to my bed! I haven't yet decided if I intend to go to the last meeting of Milton or not. I think I will, since I loved the class; I owe it to the instructor. (I never know what to call they who are not really professors.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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