she came in through the bathroom window

01.26.05 @ 6:35 p.m.

Ryan decided to play a joke on me and told me he couldn't go to the concert. It was funny, actually, but gods, it gave me a very brief heart attack.

Hmm. Well, I checked out "Manor House" from the library, another in the PBS "House" series where they make people live historically with hilarious consequences and a few hateful, spoiled whiners whom you end up hating with a vicious passion (read: the family from California on Frontier House with the two teenage girls). I'm going to marry Rob, the second footman from Manor House. Also, whatshisname, the hall boy, is pretty adorable and I want to give him huuuugs. He makes me think of Jimmy Cooper (from Quadrophenia) and would probably be a much better mental model for Charlie (from my story Sea and Sand) than that actor from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, who is the last person I mentally cast in that role.

I wrote four pages of Sea and Sand last night instead of working on homework. I'm really happy with what I wrote, though, from Elizabeth's rise to semi-fame, the disintigration of Charlie's personality, the break up, and Charlie's suicide. I stopped there, and later realized that I need to allow Julian and Elizabeth to put together their magazine. I had that solved, but now I can't remember the way I made it fit so well. Damn it.

I feel pretty awful because I skipped school, slept a long time, and then stayed in bed for hours reading another Regency. They are the junk food of literature. It's like lying on a couch eating fried foods and watching TV for two hours. I didn't eat anything unil 4.

Amusing: I was at the hippie grocery store (PC Market of Choice, which I guess used to be Price Chopper but I had NO IDEA, and figured when Fuckwit Landlord was always "blah blah blah Price Chopper" it was some other place) buying some milk, margarine (weird: I have a strong dislike of butter. I grew up on substitute and low-fat foods. 2% milk makes me a little sick, too) and a few other things late-ish a couple of nights ago. Behind me in line was a middle aged man in a cowboy hat, looking very slightly shifty. He had a box of wooden matches and five tall, black candles. I guess he must have got a funny look from the clerk, because he laughed and said "Yeah, it looks strange, doesn't it?" Am I the only one whose mind leaps to occultism and is amused by it? Maybe.

I wish my brain didn't always feel so goddamn scattered all the time.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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