the sea refuses no river

12.09.04 @ 3:27 p.m.

I wrote a long entry yesterday and like a fool, quit the browser before it was done sending in to diaryland.

-I had a long dream about Pete Townshend the night before last, of a fan/companion/employee type. It was neat. Pete had these huge piercings in his ears, which makes me think of Jeph Jaques, the artist who does Questionable Content. He was also obsessed with interlacing things, and broke stuff trying to get it to weave together in a certain way. One of the interesting things was that at one point, Pete was in this dream version of my grandma's house, or rather, a house that reminds me of her house but different and I've dreamed about it before. That kind of thing gets all freaky to me.
-Why I probably dreamed about Pete: Whilst writing my American Lit paper, I was also making a tape of Scoop for my car (with "Slit Skirts," "The Sea Refuses No River" and the e.cola remix of "Let My Love Open the Door" tacked on the end from coolwalkingsmoothtalking). And then I listened to most of Maximum R & B. There's a demo of "Melancholia" on Scoop that I really like, and now I'm thinking of learning to play it, but all the tab I've found is mildly confusing. I should ask for that four volume A-Z Who tab book set for Christmas, heh. I wonder if they have a used copy at Powells.
-WTF LOST. That is just the greatest show ever, but I had like, a panic attack when I saw Charlie hanging there. I don't know if that ending was a cheat or not.

Now for today. Despite setting my alarm clock plenty early, I didn't get up for my 8 o'clock final until 7:40. GAH. I managed to get dressed and drove to 23rd Street and parked there, walking the rest of the way to class. I just barely made it in time. If I had not jogged a little, I would have been late, but it was Folklore, laid back. Right after that, I had my English final. And then two hours after I was done with THAT, my Film final. Today has been stressful and my hands hurt, but I am DONE and that is the best. For now I'm going to sit around and play guitar, watch TV, and play with my computer. Later I will sleep and sleep and sleep.

Tomorrow my plan is to go see Napoleon Dynamite and oh my, I just looked and Garden State opens at the dollar theater tomorrow. SWEET. If I were more awake, I'd go see Napoleon Dynamite tonight and Garden State tomorrow, but I'll have until mid next week to see whichever I don't see tomorrow.


PS: I am currently enamoured of the drama of "The Sea Refuses No River," though I never particularly liked it before. Also, I will honestly say I have no idea what "Cache, Cache" is about, even reading Scoop's liner notes. All I know is that my brain keeps chorusing "There ain't no bears in there.... Cache, Cache!" at me.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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